Teen needed to wake up for church on Easter. His mother tased him, Arizona police say – IOTW Report

Teen needed to wake up for church on Easter. His mother tased him, Arizona police say


An Arizona mother was arrested Sunday after police say she used a taser to wake up her 16-year-old for an Easter church service.

Sharron Dobbins, 40, told police in Phoenix that she “only sparked the taser to get the kids up for church on Easter,” according to court records obtained to KTVK. Dobbins denied actually using the contact taser on anyone.

Dobbins was booked on suspicion of child abuse and taken to jail, police said.

The victim “did not complain of any pain,” according to police, but did have two small bumps on his leg that he said were left by the taser.

Dobbins appeared in court on Monday and told the judge that she has two children who are on probation, including the 16-year-old who was allegedly tased, CBS 5 reports.

ht/ fdr in hell

18 Comments on Teen needed to wake up for church on Easter. His mother tased him, Arizona police say

  1. “Taser” is almost an anagram for “Easter”. She could claim she’s dyslexic and was only trying to give him an early present. You know, to egg him on to get up. Or she could say she was
    just kidding. But I guess that would make her an Easter taser teaser, wouldn’t it?

    I’ll let myself out now…

  2. Ahhh … I remember one Easter my Dad was sleeping late and we wanted to get into our candy and shit so we conned our little brother into waking him. Well, the little guy was a toddler and didn’t know much about waking a grown man, so, being innovative, he jammed a pencil into my Dad’s ear!

    Probably as surprising as a Taser.
    (may have been a Christmas morn – my memory ain’t what it used to be)
    Funny, nobody felt a necessity to get the Police involved.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. the boys are on probation and they arrested the mother ?

    they should have given her a medal and helped her make sure the boys made it to church.

    would they have arrested her for aborting them ?

  4. Can’t do those things today. Progressives will distroy your family over it. There are other ways to get a teen to comply, like taking away phones, computers, privileges, reward good behavior. If none of that works, try gaslighting and mind games, breaking out of your routine to keep them off guard. When all else fails, let them suffer the consequences. Raising a teen takes “strategery” to survive their resistance to authority. Never do anything to get the State involved, unless you want your kids molested, abused or even driven of cliffs by two suicidal perverts.

  5. Dayuhm! If’n dat gurld tased his ice soon ’nuff, he cudda snorted a coupla dem condoms afore church. Git dat nose ‘n’ thoat reddy fer cumyoonyun…

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