Teen stabs rapist in his heart – IOTW Report

Teen stabs rapist in his heart

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50-Year-old Muslim Male Rapes 8-Year-old British Girl, Receives NO Jail Time – She Returns to Stab Him in the Heart.

A judge has lifted an order banning the identification of a paedophile who was knifed in the heart by his teenage victim.

Zabhullah Boota, the father of two young children, was found guilty of sexual assault and inciting a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity in November 2010.  MORE

26 Comments on Teen stabs rapist in his heart

  1. She was 14 when she thrust a large kitchen knife into Boota, 56, who sexually assaulted her when she was eight-years-old.

    She felt the justice system had let her down when he harassed and bullied her after walking free from court.


  2. If the young lady has a father, why didn’t he kill this pedo, instead? Hell, call in an “honor killing”, which is something that apparently elicits a modicum of sympathy in the (crazy, lunatic) UK justice system.

    I’m just sad that the pedophile survived. That he now lives in “constant pain” is likely just a lie to stay or get on the Dole, but with a “disability” stipulation.

    The UK says that it doesn’t need a written constitution, relying instead on volumes or writ and “common law”. However, that places the whole concept of “rights” in the hands of an ever-changing, sliding-scale parliamentary system, to be applied by a wacky judiciary working with a lot of gray-area statutes and laws.

    Where the fu*k is an Oliver Cromwell when you really need one?

  3. I thought this was going to be a feel-good story until I read that the savage survived. She’s probably living in even more fear now.

    It’s a shame there are no men left in Great Britain.

  4. I will only concur with Bad Brad and the others- as a father of 2 daughters I will say the Mohamidphile/pedophile would have died a very slow and painful death if I could have managed it or swift and sure if that was the only option.

    I have visions of Mr. Pedophile being raped by a hogzilla before he dies. As I don’t watch any porn let alone the more kinky zoophile stuff I just know logistically its possible. If money was no object I’d pay the “professionals” to work out the rigging and make that happen. Film it and put up on the web as a warning to all sons of Allah that this is what awaits them if they can’t assimilate to the host country.

  5. Too bad she aimed for the heart. Such a small target. Protected by the ribcage. She should have aimed for and stabbed/cut off his dick. Oh, and use a bigger knife next time.
    I can almost guar-an-damn-tee that he would have bled out before medical help could have saved him.

    Now THERE’S a PPV I’d pay good money to see. Pull up the chair, popcorn and drinks.

    As for the perv’s two young children seeing that sight. . . . ? aawwwww, too bad. No sympathy here. Take a lesson from what happened to your dad.

  6. Too bad he didn’t die however the next best thing in this travesty happened. His name is now out their for all to see. His employer (assuming he has a job), his neighbours, his friends, everybody. I suspect it’s only a matter of time before his picture gets put up at bus stops, washrooms, just about everywhere. It will only be a matter of time before he wishes that little girls aim had been a bit better.

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