Teenager Ensnared in FBI Terror Sting w/ At Least 3 Informants and an Undercover Agent – IOTW Report

Teenager Ensnared in FBI Terror Sting w/ At Least 3 Informants and an Undercover Agent

(Ken SilvaHeadline USA) The FBI arrested an 18-year-old Saturday on terrorism charges after targeting him for years in an investigation that involved at least three undercover informants and an undercover agent.

The Justice Department announced the arrest Monday, revealing that the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force investigated Idaho teenager Alexander Scott Mercurio for attempting to provide material support and resources to ISIS.

“His plan involved using flame-covered weapons, explosives, knives, a machete, a pipe, and ultimately firearms,” the DOJ said in its criminal complaint.

According to Mercurio’s charging papers, the FBI discovered the teenager when it was investigating a terrorism-financing network in 2021. The FBI discovered that Mercurio—who would have been 15 or 16 at the time—was talking to two individuals who were providing funds for ISIS and its Afghanistan-based affiliate, ISIS-K. more here

7 Comments on Teenager Ensnared in FBI Terror Sting w/ At Least 3 Informants and an Undercover Agent

  1. This all happened in Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho about 30 miles East of where I live in Spokane, Wash. There was a lot of news about this arrest yesterday in our local press, I’m not sure what’s going on with this today. Eastern Wash. and N. Idaho is one the whitest areas in the country with very little ethnic or racial diversity, so I am not sure what this knucklehead kid was trying to prove. I’m just glad that the authorities caught him before he could have caused a lot of mayhem and violence in this area. I do hope that the friggin feds didn’t set up this stupid misguided kid up as a means to further violence in order to destroy the country, but I honestly don’t know.

  2. I often wonder why the FBI implanted in the “resurrection” terrorists bunch never tried to put a stop to it?? Easy pickings most likely, “look what we did”. Must be proud to have done nothing risky for brownie points, atta boy enablers.


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