Tehran Takes 10 U.S. Sailors Captive as Two Small Navy Ships Seized by Iran (VIDEO)  – IOTW Report

Tehran Takes 10 U.S. Sailors Captive as Two Small Navy Ships Seized by Iran (VIDEO) 


23 Comments on Tehran Takes 10 U.S. Sailors Captive as Two Small Navy Ships Seized by Iran (VIDEO) 

  1. It is tine to take a hard action against Iran, before they get the ability to use nukes and spread them worldwide.

    People wil whine, “neonazi!” (Left), OR “neo con war!” (Right) or the such.

    *T*H*I*S* IS THE GAME.
    FLATTEN Iran. NOW.

    Wait until *they* make the first move,
    and IT’S TOO LATE.

  2. See, this is what I was surreptitiously referring to.

    This whole incident might have been organized to deliberately paint Obama into a “loyalty” corner regarding the Iran deal.

    Think about the timing involved here:

    The reporting of this incident severely undermines Obama’s State of the Union address content, now. Obama can’t further the idea of “the good intentions of Iran” meme, can he? The country will see right through him.

    Right now Obama’s sycophants are scrambling to think of a new narrative to spew to the American People to justify the traitorous and perfidious activity being furthered by our administration in the name of Muslim tolerance of the West and whether Iran can be trusted to police itself regarding the nuclear weapons programs.

    Now, combine that with Obama’s illicit and illegal gun control measures that are certain only to impede that of law-abiding citizens to acquire such DEFENSIVE firearms like those of AR-15’s….etc.

    Forcing Obama to react to this impromptu incident is like removing Obama’s teleprompter – a potentially disastrous mine field for Obama tonight.

    Let’s see how quickly Iran releases these 10 servicemen to save face in the Obama administration.

  3. This entire story smells. Two boats 10 crew members. Got to be those little speedy go fast gun boats they have. The first report was they both had mechanical issues. What are the odds? Not good. Now it;s just one boat had mechanical issues. Why not throw a tow rope and get the hell out of there before you drift to shore?

  4. Iran say the sailors will be returned to the ship….how about the intelligent equipment and codes? How about their two Naval Ships?

    This was a calculated attempt by Iran to dishonor obama…….but he’s too much of a cowardly pussy to realize it.

    This Nation sees obama for what he is……an inept failure in everything he does…. he just finished the final chapter of his legacy.

  5. As some of our heroes are being detained and o’tBell takes to addressing some of the nation (I will not be listening to his lies), I ask any one of you, his faithful followers, “Why does it not bother you that he will not say one word about the taking of 10 of our Navy sailors by his friends, the Iranians?” Why will he not lift one of his little girly fingers to make Iran release our people immediately?” Do you people actually think he cares for us Americans at all? It tears me up inside thinking how we, yes, we are letting our heroes down.

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