Now Fauci admits that COVID vaccines cause MYOCARDlTlS, particularly in young men.
— healthbot (@thehealthb0t) September 29, 2024
Should he be prosecuted for lying to the public?
19 Comments on Tell Me Again That This Lying S.o.S. Shouldn’t Be in Jail
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In Epstein’s old cell…
Death Row sounds appropriate.
I’m thinking more of an immediate execution like ASAP!
Fauci’s prescribed medication. As patent holder, I’m sure he made $MILLIONS.
Multiple videos down the page.
Remdesivir is the least effective, most expensive, and the most deadly treatment used during the pandemic. It’s “Eugenics”.
Jail only until execution.
Draw and quarter on pay-per-view – the money from the viewership and all of fauci’s money going to victim’s and their families.
Mr. High Speed Hot Lead needs to pay him a visit.
He should be forcibly injected with every form of RNA “vaccine” out there.
Bury him up to his neck and pass out bowling balls.
Make it a party.
skin him with a rusty potato peeler and leave him tied under a fine salt spray mister until he succumbs.
Keep in mind that he is still calling it a ‘vaccine’. And CDC literally changed the definition of vaccine on its website. When we all know it was completely ineffective.
It’s only fair that he be loaded to the gills with the poison he was demanding everyone else take.
Plane loads of Swamp criminals should be picked up during Trump’s inaugural speech. In GITMO by its end.
No, he should NOT be in jail.
He should have his vocal chords surgically removed, and then have his head stuffed in a plexiglass box filled with wasps.
Leave him there for a week, THEN put him in jail if he is still alive.
At least he’s doing limited hangouts. That goddam Hillary is still sticking to her russian collusion bullshit.
And Fauci is just contemptuous of us, whereas Hillary hates our guts and wants to jail us for rejecting her.
Having said that, they are both evil liars, and they should both be shot by the same firing squad.
Fauci is the greatest mass murderer since Mao.
“We, the People of the United States … [blah, blah, blah] … do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
That makes “the People” sovereign (not like the crazies imagine).
He lied to “We, the People” therefore committing Treason.
Deceiving one’s sovereign is always, throughout time and space, considered Treason.
But until “We, the People” decide to treat these liars and deceivers as the Treasonous shitweasels/twatwaffles that they are, the Treasons will continue (Fauxi is only one of many (Gruber, Pelosi, and Schumer come immediately to mind along with Obola, the Clintons, Biden, Kamel-Ho, the Media, &c.)).
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
…Ive really gone back and fourth on this, even written and erased different things, but its late in this thread and even though Ive reported some of the details about this here before, I still feel I need to flesh out one of the “young men” Fauci so casually speaks of murdering, but this time to bring out the ruined life of a man I never knew; to give a sense of what was lost and ask you to understand this is a loss repeated thousands of times over and fated to be millionz yet to come.
Out of respect for this particular young man and his family, I will continue to misname him. Lets call him Nick. Keep in mind that the only time I ever met Nick was dying next to a toilet in a locker room on a beautiful July day in 2021, and what I know about him I gleaned from his autopsy report, social media, and freinds willing to talk about him after the fact. I do not know and was not known to he or his family, so I will not identify him further than that.
Nick wasnt the first patient I ever lost and I didnt typically dive this deep on one, but when I lose a visibly healthy 19 YO to anything other than trauma or suicide, I kinda want to know WHY.
…Nick was, as the autopsy report stated, “a well-developed, well-nourished Black man” who was working in our factory for a couple of reasons; one, to support himself and the grandmother who apparenly raised him and whom he lived with, and two, to gain some experience around machines as he also paid for his own vocational education to become, according to his social media, an industrial electrician.
MY job.
Had he lived and continued here, he very likely would have become my apprentice.
…Nick also discussed on his media the HS he had recently graduated from, the same one MY son had attended a few years before him. He had lived in the same city too, not super close, but close enough we would have gone to some of the same stores and patronized some of the same restaurants.
His freinds say he was an outgoing, cheerful young man who did his job and when he could helped them with theirs. I didnt hear a lot about Nick’s spiritual beliefs, but given that he had a variant of Matthew 5:44 tattoed on him, it suggests a basic Christianity that he was not shy about proclaiming, a somewhat rare thing among his generation.
He wasnt drunk, tweaked, on coke or horse. A bit of pot was the only tox finding so he wasnt a saint, but thats pretty common with the kids today and it was apparently a performance nonissue.
That day, his pals tell me he wasnt feeling well, and went to his lead to ask to go to the bathroom. This wasnt considered unusual as he had been complaining of dizzyness on and off for the week past when his friends said he’d gotten his Covid shot, so he was allowed to leave with little comment or note.
Some unknown time later, my rather upset boss called me in to see him, and you know the rest.
…I do not typically research deceased patients like this beyond ensuring the loss was no action or omission on my part, but this was only the second young adult I lost to a coronary in years of running the street, and the first one proved to be a blown-out aneurism so I was pretty curious medically, especially in light of stuff that was just starting to come out then. Also, this was the first time I lost a co-worker so it was possible to talk to people I wouldnt on an ambulance run have access to. And social media fills in blanks with information posted openly that would normally be unaskable privately which wasnt available back in the day, and the rise of the memorial page shows that peoples casual conversations will now outlive them by far.
And so you have met, to the extent I have, one of the young men that Fauci dismisses as mere statistics, unimportant collateral damage in his quest for politics and fortune.
I know that many of you have had more and more personal losses,so this really isnt for you. Its just my poor attempt to acquaint those fortunate enough with one of the actual people behind the statistics, to show just what sort of man Fauci and his ilk are that such young men as these are considered expendible, pf no more worth and no more note than a labratory mouse.
And this is just a small and incomplete slice of the lost life of one man.
Know that those murdered like him, by the same people, all over the world number in the millions.
“Its a hell of a thing to kill a man”, a character once played by Clint Eastwood said. “You take away everthing he has, and everything he ever will have”.
…everything he ever will have. That includes his wife, his children, his grandchildren, everything he ever did and everything he potentially could have done.
They took it all and lied about it.
Thats the sort of men they are.
And thats the sort of thing they will do again.
Put him in a box with rabid beagles.