Tell the NFL – We Stand With Our Vets – IOTW Report

Tell the NFL – We Stand With Our Vets

ht/ doc

15 Comments on Tell the NFL – We Stand With Our Vets

  1. N-F-Who?

    I am not a football fan, but I will never watch an NFL game, listen to a player, or buy associated products. I already told Nike and Bose to go stuff themselves. The Sf 49ers declared war on my Second Amendment rights and I will never forgive them. If you watch the NFL, there is something deeply wrong with YOU!

  2. I am a football fan. Enjoy watching some very talented college teams and occasional Friday nights when the local high school has a home game. NFL? Haven’t watched thug football in years.

  3. NFL has rendered itself persona non gratis in my house. The so called super bowl with its iconic statanic half-time show will not be invited in to corrupt our minds or hearts.

  4. I have struggled with the superblow for the last several years. From the endless pontificating before the game. The endless yacking between every play.

    But worst of all has been trying to remain civil during the America’s got silly and lousy talent spectacular show at halftime. While the better halves discussed costumes and dance choreography I sat and wondered who butchered football and inserted a flamboyant rabbit act in the middle of it’s carcass.

    But when I saw my team and it’s coach and owner collectively take a knee against me, my Brothers in Arms and the country I Love and the God I serve, I was done. I have earned the right to say I will NOT be lectured by little spoiled rich kids whose only claim to fame is that they can play a child’s game.

    The NFL is no longer welcome in my home, my family, or my life. Those poor little spoiled rich kids can go on spouting their displeasure of the country that has given them so many blessings that they feel entitled to scoff and scorn those who pamper them. My only prayer is that someday soon, they might come to realize how empty their lives, and their hearts and their minds have been. May they become aware of how much they had, when suddenly they no longer have anything.

    MSG Grumpy

  5. It has never been so easy to make a decision to stand with those who serve and protect. Nor has it ever been so easy to shun those who disrespect and denigrate the United States, whether they be in the NFL, sponsors or those who attend the game.

    Those in the NFL and the enablers (sponsors & fans) are cut from the same cloth, your game of divisiveness and dishonor have truly become a symbol of all that is wrong in the US, social justice warriors, Democrat party, BLM, racism and anti-Americanism.

    You words and actions show Nothing but contempt for the US and dishonor of our legacy of freedom and liberty.

  6. I haven’t watched an NFL game at all this season and just this morning I heard on the radio who was “playing” in the shit bowl tomorrow. My plans tomorrow will be no TV work on my taxes and listen to some JAZZ.

    Giving up pro fooseball was easier than cutting Brussels sprouts from my diet!

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