Tell Us Again How Trump Was Mean To the Press – Biden Loses It, Tells Reporter She’s “In the Wrong Business” – IOTW Report

Tell Us Again How Trump Was Mean To the Press – Biden Loses It, Tells Reporter She’s “In the Wrong Business”

13 Comments on Tell Us Again How Trump Was Mean To the Press – Biden Loses It, Tells Reporter She’s “In the Wrong Business”

  1. five seconds in—–“What in the hell”. Let’s see Trump or a republican say that and get away with this lack of presidential decorum. Guaranteed you won’t see this on MSM tonight.

    Who is the woman who stumbled into this accidental act of journalism?

  2. To paraphrase Lyndon Johnson: “If I’ve lost lost CNN I’ve really stopped in it.”

    Either that or someone made a phone call and that reporter is now working for work.

  3. 1) Good, How dare CNN pretend to be a News Agency now.

    2) I hope Biden looses his shit on that FAT Sac-O-Shit Yamiche Alcindor. She really make the fuckin spit cover the TV screen.

  4. I’d like to see OldJoe do a impromptu presser on his way to Marine One like POTUS Trump did. Spontaneous, combative, no script and no notecards written in black Sharpie.

    I know, won’t ever happen.


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