Tell Us What You Think Tomorrow’s Comey Testimony Will Be – IOTW Report

Tell Us What You Think Tomorrow’s Comey Testimony Will Be

What will Comey’s testimony be?

Will it hurt Trump?

Help Trump?

Hurt Comey?

Help Comey?

Tell us what you think.

POLL Trump Press Conference – APPROVE? DISAPPROVE?

50 Comments on Tell Us What You Think Tomorrow’s Comey Testimony Will Be

  1. I think Comey will find a way to throw mud onto Trump without having to perjure himself or flat-out implicate Trump. His only goal is to put enough fuel on the fire to keep the Democrats chasing this mess.

  2. Soapbox for demoncrats as is their SOP. The spews outlets are already spinning an culling to fit their puking points from the pre-released statement today. They are so obstinate they would argue the sky is not blue if it served there screed.
    Someone on here the other day spoke of Oppositional Defiant Disorder, truer words…..

  3. You have to remember this very same asshole said they couldn’t release any transcripts (if any) on the “tarmac meeting” with Atty Gen Lynch because of “national security issues”??? But they claimed they only talked about grandkids, golf, and cooking….right? I trust that commie about as far as I can throw my truck!

  4. Unfair for me to comment. I just listened to Andy McCarthy on Mark Levin. This whole thing is a nothing burger. No fucking beef whatsoever. MAGA, Donald MAGA. Let them eat crow. Trump for the win. But the MSM will give their talking points to the Democrats and Larry O’Donnell, Chris Cuomo, Spittles Mathews, Chris Hayes (oh BTW Chris’s brother, Rachel Madcow has been dropped), Wolf Blitzer, Don Lemona, and a horde of other talking motherfuckes will babble on. That’s my take.

  5. Legalese.
    Ever try to nail Jell-O to a wall?
    Honesty, integrity and honor cannot be recovered after failing to conduct a thorough investigation and recommending prosecution of Hillary.
    Dog and Pony show—– the Fat Lady won’t be singing.

  6. His testimony doesn’t matter. The Diva’s pre-released “Opening Statement” grandstanding has all the sound bites in it for the journos. It will not hurt Trump in the least, as we will be exactly where we are now when the dust settles tomorrow. WSB radio, Erick Erickson’s employer and Jon Ossoff’s local patron media outlet, is going to air the whole damned thing live, and streaming. Straight through their moneymaker Rush. That’s some dedication to fantasy.

  7. At some point, the deluded lofolks are going to start wondering why PDT isn’t up there sweating out an interrogation, and the witch-hunters won’t be able to explain it.

  8. Despite Comey’s best attempt to throw shade on our POTUS, Comey will be forced to admit that there is no there, there. Trump will move on with his life and the Democrats will try to cook up some new phony allegations to investigate

  9. “The time has come,” the Walrus said,
    “To talk of many things:
    Of shoes–and ships–and sealing-wax–
    Of cabbages–and kings–
    And why the sea is boiling hot–
    And whether pigs have wings.”

  10. I think that, first thing, he’ll run out the clock some with his ‘statement(s). Then the senators will praise him for his years of service and apologize to him for how things turned out, and eat up more time. He won’t implicate Trump, but will provide hints that suggest that, maybe, just maybe, there might really be something there. He’s only going to testify once, it is said, and he won’t say much at all. I bet he gets a nice advance for a book after all this.
    I wish at least one Senator would have the gumption to ask him about his history of connection and collusion with the clintons. But that won’t happen. If they would let me in there, I’d ask.
    And then he’ll go back to work for lockheed or HSBS and make more in a year than any of us will ever make in this lifetime.
    Then we’ll get a new bureaucrat to replace him.

  11. I think they’ll spend the first hour looking for Comey who will be cleverly disguised as window drapes. Then they’ll all have a good laugh and admit the Russia story was just a great prank.

  12. I read his Opening Statement and from his “memos” (what kind a person writes down what you say to them in private and then releases it to the whole world?!), what I saw was that Trump was concerned about the country and the people in his administration and that Comey is a snake full of malice.

  13. It wouldn’t matter if Comey presented irrefutable evidence that there was no collusion between Trump and Russian. The MSM will continue to blow that horn. It absolutely doesn’t matter what he says.

  14. “If Putin wanted to influence the US election, he would’ve just donated to the Clinton Foundation, like everyone else.”

    Why would Vlad spend tens of €millions on hackers when Hilary will sell anyone all the Top Secrets you want for a measley $200k “speaking fee”.

  15. Congress is a legislative body. They have no charter for investigations what so ever.

    They should ask the US Attorney for investigations as they are equipped and trained to do so.

    But if those media whores want a chance to grandstand and expose themselves as the petulant morons they actually are, who am I to complain? I actually enjoy seeing them expose themselves during these ‘hearings’ as the do nothing, non wonder dogs they actually are.

    Fuck ’em all with a red hot poker. I have NOTHING but scorn and derision for the entire body. Were it not illegal, I’d slaughter the entire lot with the jaw bone of an ass and consider that an honest days work.

    Have I mentioned I don’t care much for congress?

  16. It will help Trump and it will hurt Comey.

    It has already been established that Comey is the face of a polticized FBI and if he sticks to the prepared remarks that were published today, his already suspect credibility will be confirmed as completely suspect — totally lacking, in fact. But for those who want to believe Trump is colluding with the Russians, nothing will change their minds. Reading and listening to some of the wacko conspiracy theories coming from the Left causes me to wince in embarrassment for them and reminds me to not get caught up in the same sorts of things from the Right.

    And speaking of the Right, I can’t help but wonder why our majority Congress didn’t shut this circus of hearings down at the first opportunity. I hate them much more than the Left for all this. I called Ryan’s office again today and left a message for him to get off his “Better Way” agenda and get on the Trump agenda — 100%; reminding him that this country elected Trump as President, not him.

    Please call Ryan’s office (as well as the other usual suspects).

  17. Trump is a winner and will win this round too. It will finally (maybe wishful thinking), will shut the Democrats up. We’re sick of hearing the Russian meme, sick of Maxine Waters, sick of all of them. Those testifying today basically told them all to go pound salt. There’s nothing here. That’s what Comey will do, he can’t say anything without perjuring himself and he isn’t going to do that. Trump said it “Good Luck!”

  18. He’s an arrogant SOB but he’s not stupid. Look, Trump knocked the snot out of him when he waited until he was in LA, delivered the Dear John letter and confiscated his files. Comey prob has his secret cache of blackmail files at home, but here’s the thing….
    Comey has to assume Trump has taped every convo between them and who knows what else Trump has on him.
    My guess is there’ll be no bombshells. He put out all he’s going to in his testimony before his
    testimony letter he released today and realizes his 6’8″ frame will be mighty uncomfortable in a 8 X 10 cell.

  19. Val at 8:46 pm came closest.

    Seems like Mr. Comey got some splainin’ to do…
    His ‘Prose’ submitted For The Record Now…
    Sounds verbaitemlee close to some ‘Leaks’ from back ‘Then’.
    Hope some ones are checking the recchord.

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