Ten Years Ago Today – The Rant That Started the TEA Party – IOTW Report

Ten Years Ago Today – The Rant That Started the TEA Party

19 Comments on Ten Years Ago Today – The Rant That Started the TEA Party

  1. today is also the anniversary of the start of the battle of Iwo Jima. after a 5-week campaign there were 6,800 Marine & Army dead w/ over 19,000 wounded & approx. 21,000 Japanese dead, 219 captured.

    … for an island neither the US Navy nor the US Army used (except for an emergency landing base)

  2. Oh…and to rejoice that Wilber the Wiberine who ‘s ideas spurred Santelli’s Tea Party rant is now setting economic policy. Hot damn! Any time my feckless Republican Representative and Senators want to get on board…and support full heartedly—- the self induced suffering will come to an end!

  3. Lambda Alpha Beta Epsilon

    I had relatives at Iwo.

    And the NYT Said they were “White Nationalists” which is why they killed so many “yellow” folk!

    I have many reasons to have a har- on for the Times; thats is 1 of many!

  4. Believe me I listened to Rick that day. I knew Rick, I used to work on the trading floor, NYSE. I used to repair the floor as a carpenter. Two inch maple t&g. But Rick used to be there early in the morning before we left the FLOOR. Very nice guy. Loved by all, except the socialists. Great video.

  5. 10 years ago TODAY the modern day Tea Party movement began after Rick Santelli delivered his “rant heard around the world”. SO much GOOD has been accomplished since and so MANY friendships forged between patriots that will last for a lifetime. THANK YOU Mr. Santelli for sparking the fire that woke the sleeping giant and for creating the most significant political movement in U.S. history. THANK YOU to all the hard working Tea Party patriots who paved the path to victory for Donald J. Trump. The TOUGHEST, SMARTEST, most maligned, slandered, attacked, insulted, investigated and SUCCESSFUL president in U.S. history. #MAGA

  6. Youre so right C Steven.

    Mrs PHenry and i shot up to DC this month 10 years ago for a very small Tea Party rally. Michelle Malkin and a few other notables were there that day. About 300 people

    But I left knowing that a Richmond Tea Party was necessary.

    As one of 5 founders, who through divine providence and al gore’s amazing internet, found each other, we worked tirelessly to pull off an event of over 5,000 attendees and sent a lightning bolt through Virginia politics.

    And forged friendships amongst previous strangers that endure to this day. Sadly, our local radio friend who was instrumental to our early success, Doc Thompson, tragically died a few weeks ago.

    Each of us stumbled out of our comfort zones and had to assume roles none of us would have ever imagined we were capable of. We pulled it off as if we’d been doing this stuff all of our lives. Amazingly.

    One of the finest moments in my life.

    Who knew? But when i saw hundreds, then thousands streaming into the event, when we didn’t know there would be a hundred….it was a tissue moment.

    No big names. Politicians who wanted to speak were invited to attend but told that they speak 364 days a year. That day they were there to listen. Some came. And listened. They got an earful.

    It was tectonic.

    But we all had day jobs and keeping something like that going on a volunteer basis grew tiresome. The left pays people full time to do activism.

    It will take another outrage to get the weary volunteers to the ramparts again.

    Sorry. That was a core dump and way too long.

  7. Yup, remember when O was campaigning and said he would cut the 9 trillion debt in half by the end of 4 years.

    Then right from the start he, Pelosi and the rest added close to a trillion per year of additional spending.

    Now we are at 22 trillion. We need to remind the left of this Stimulus Bill they were all hot for.

  8. @PHenry
    I was at that DC rally too. My first one. I recall it was overcast and almost rainy. I started thinking it was a flop. But then I went home and saw the results of other rallies across the country on FOX news. It inspired me

  9. And here’s the thing about it. Five people started mobilizing and reaching out to businesses and groups. We had professional sound people, professional printers, electricians, stage people, security people.

    They volunteered every thing.

    5 people didnt pull that off. A community of like minded people did.

    And after 5,000 people left we patrolled with trash bags.

    There wasn’t any.

    Damn good people. All of them.

    We shocked the city of Richmond. No altercations. A peaceful assembly. Orderly. You know. Truly an American GREAT DAY!!!

  10. Wow! Ten years ago?!?
    I didn’t attend many tea parties but I did design a lot of the early signs that were waved at rallies and posted on websites- from the anon safety of my art bunker. That’s how Illustr8r was born.

  11. Illustr8r.

    I miss making signs. Octagonal Stop sign with obama swirly as the O.

    Animated sign with Obama’s mug, with his lower jaw going up and down. When his lips move he’s lying.

    Man. Those were the days.

  12. “Silent Majority No More!”

    (I have a sticker on my car that says, “Draw Or Die” with a yellow pencil and various hardness (H, HB, 2B…) substituted for the 13 colonies. Ha! It’s sneaky. I don’t know if any lefty western WAers would understand it. That’s why my car is still unkeyed.)


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