Tenants Given the Okay To Stop Paying the Rent In Cuomo’s Dystopia – IOTW Report

Tenants Given the Okay To Stop Paying the Rent In Cuomo’s Dystopia

They say this is a temporary “Covid measure.”

But what is the difference between losing your job because of Covid and losing your job because of any other reason?

And what does 60 days do?

Once the camel’s nose is in the tent…

Politico — A sweeping eviction ban that advanced in the New York State Legislature on Monday has led to pushback from landlord groups asserting that the measure will hurt struggling property owners, while tenant advocates warned that it’s only a temporary fix.

Details: The bill would halt evictions and foreclosures across the state for 60 days, and allow tenants and mortgagers who have lost jobs or income due to the pandemic to submit financial hardship declarations that would halt those proceedings until May 1. Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Monday he would sign the legislation.

The Democratic-run state Senate passed it by a nearly party line vote in the afternoon, and the Assembly, which Democrats also control, was poised to do the same later in the day.


19 Comments on Tenants Given the Okay To Stop Paying the Rent In Cuomo’s Dystopia

  1. I’m not fully understanding this, it this a dictated rent postponement or a dictated rent forgiveness?

    If the former, that means the tenants will be hit with a whopper of a rent payment due when it ends but it it is forgiveness it is effectively forcing the landlords to pay their rent for them, either way it is going to result in tax revenue loss for a State that can’t withstand any revenue loss at this time.

  2. In the end, if the landlord cannot make his payment, the tenant gets kicked out anyway. I know there are tons of free-loaders out there taking advantage of their exorbitant unemployment payments. I was hoping Trump would not have signed the bill and instead said, “Screw unemployment…OPEN UP THE ECONOMY!”

  3. This is nothing. If Biden gets in they will pass new laws requiring people to share their homes with homeless people. (Remember scenes from Dr. Zhivago?) Census figures will be used to determine who has more living space than they “deserve”. Social justice warriors will be appointed as local commissars to institute the plan. Like the chinese red guard these local commissars will also be given power to monitor your “social justice” scores and institute sanctions if you don’t tow the line.

  4. Ostensibly to get the freeloaders through winter.
    Evictions around Christmas always carried bad press.
    The writing’s been on the wall in NY for decades – anyone who remains gets what he deserves.
    NY’s another Ethiopia.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I have a good friend that is Involved in some rental properties. He was fixed up real well for a comfortable retirement, now he is taking a thorough beating over Inslee’s edict. What a bunch of crap!

  6. Any way you slice it, it’s still a race to the bottom. Those who can will get the hell out while Uncle Xi licks his chops just waiting for the day he can buy up more American real estate at bargain-basement prices!

  7. We have the same thing in Kentucky. The CDC says getting evicted spreads Covid so for months now you haven’t been able to evict anyone for failure to pay rent. Once sketchy tenants found this out, they stopped paying rent. Governor Beshear thinks this is awesome because anyone who owns rental property must be a billionaire and can just suck it for as long as he can sign executive orders.

  8. The connected slicks’ll buy up the properties at bargain basement prices when the landlords get tired of being fucked by the whims of the politicians. The properties will no longer be available for rent – and you know what that means – more tax dollars commandeered to build new slums for the parasitic maggots who won’t pay their bills – but since the government’s the landlord, the squatters will have NO rights, whatsoever, and the pols will Boo-Hoo every legislative session to raise more taxes so that the landlords can skim more off the top.
    We’ve seen it before. We’re seeing it again.
    It never left Chicago, NYC, LA, STL, Atlanta, &c.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Since NYC is being run by a robber baron, the law is just a suggestion.
    A cheated landlord with a true deadbeat tenant just needs to sell sets of the freeloader’s apartment keys and his name to anyone with $500 cash money. All sight unseen.
    The more and smellier, the merrier.

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