Tennessee: GOP Marsha Blackburn Leads Dem Phil Bredesen – IOTW Report

Tennessee: GOP Marsha Blackburn Leads Dem Phil Bredesen

Big Government: Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn (TN) has an eight-point lead over Democrat Phil Bredesen in the race for outgoing Sen. Bob Corker’s (R-TN) seat in November, according to a new poll.

The poll published by CBS/YouGov on Sunday shows Blackburn at 50 percent versus Bredesen’s 42 percent.

Polls earlier in the year had shown Blackburn behind Bredesen by two points. The CBS/YouGov poll was conducted in the lead-up to the Senate’s vote on confirming Justice Brett Kavanaugh, between Oct. 2-5.

An overwhelming plurality of likely voters said Kavanaugh should be confirmed — 47 percent to 30 percent. more here

10 Comments on Tennessee: GOP Marsha Blackburn Leads Dem Phil Bredesen

  1. Taylor Swift won’t miss me buying her albums because I do not support any liberals. Taylor is now just like Rose O’Donnell, Bette Midler, Cher, etc. All liberals, and Taylor isn’t eye candy. Guys, if you can’t touch it, and eat it, it’s worthless. /just saying

  2. I have some concerns about this election it looks like the RNC is sitting on it’s hands in some of these races while the Democrats are spending tons . You think the Republican party would rather be a minority party ? They always seem to me to like being the loser party they asked for the house and got ,nothing really happened then said they needed the Senate ,nothing happened , now they are winning because of Trump but it looks to me he has to drag them to the finish line. Just a thought

  3. I have a theory about wholesome popstar jailbait. From ages 12-16/17, their parents have some measure of control over their image so it stays squeaky clean.

    Once they are adults, the band disappears and is replaced with a bunch of gay back-up dancers and a pre-record dance track who pamper their “Queen”. They isolate, flatter and build a cocoon around them in their make believe entertainment world.

    2-3 years later? Voila! Head Fag Hag is swinging naked on a wrecking ball. See also Miley Cyrus, Katie Perry, et al.

  4. I thought I’d hit “send” on the edit of that prior comment but the multiple pop-ups are killing my browser.

    Also, once said gay back-up dancers are the big part of the supporting show, they will not allow “The Star” to just sit on the sidelines of their pet social issues. The show won’t go on once The Queen is hostage to her entourage and she can’t just start firing insubordinate temper tantrum throwers because then she’s the homophobic bigot.

    As she’s more and more isolated, what man is going to try to penetrate her Fortress of Fagitude? Putting up with her 50 catty bitches providing advice will ensure that she is alone for the rest of her life. Singing “Shake It Off” at 50 alone sounds more like a Parkinson’s Disease or Multiple Sclerosis commercial.

    I’ve never seen any one of these little bimbos pull out of this spiral. They just go further and further Left from here because when there is blowback, her ego will be stroked that “she’s on the right side of history” and took a stand against the imaginary haters who give a flying ratfuck what she does. How brave.

    But the Left, who already hated Alt-Right Nazi Barbie, will gladly take her money after she took her sweet time arriving at their position.

  5. The poll published by CBS/YouGov on Sunday shows Blackburn at 50 percent versus Bredesen’s 42 percent.

    That just means that there will more than the usual Democrat skullduggery afoot at the election commissions in Memphis, Nashville and Chattanooga.


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