Tennessee mom says parents asked to sign ‘ridiculous’ waiver they will not eavesdrop on kids’ online lessons – IOTW Report

Tennessee mom says parents asked to sign ‘ridiculous’ waiver they will not eavesdrop on kids’ online lessons


Tennessee school district is under fire for asking parents to sign a form agreeing not to eavesdrop on kids’ virtual classes over concerns they could overhear confidential information.

After significant pushback, Rutherford County Schools is allowing parents to tune in with permission from the teacher but they can’t record the classes.

“It’s ridiculous. It’s so hypocritical because they’ve been data mining our children for years, compliments of common core,” Laurie Cardoza-Moore, founder of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations, said on “Fox & Friends Weekend” Saturday.

“What are they trying to hide? What is the problem? Why won’t they let us sit in?” the homeschool mom of five asked.

“Obviously, because they are teaching our children propaganda that they should not be teaching,” she said. “They are trying to socialize our children.” more

28 Comments on Tennessee mom says parents asked to sign ‘ridiculous’ waiver they will not eavesdrop on kids’ online lessons

  1. These assholes don’t even try to hide their agenda anymore. So if a parent refuses to sign the agreement, what then? Will they then notify children’s services to take away your kids?

  2. This comes on the heels of the state education department trying to issue a new policy requiring a home “well-being” visit for every student. The education department issued it without any legislators even knowing about it. Between them and the outraged parents it blew up in their face.

    I personally think that every classroom should have a surveillance camera in it. It would work to the benefit of the teacher with disruptive and unruly students, but also to the parents, if their is a question or concern about what is being taught to their kids


  3. Yeah, well, mom pays for the electricity, internet and computer AND the local taxes.

    Also, how does a parent know that teacher is talking to their kid plus others and not just their kid? How does a parent know that the teacher won’t say, “go grab mommy’s wallet and hold the credit card up to the camera? lol.

    See, no one would have gotten upset had they just did the schoolwork without busting parents’ balls.
    WTG schoolboard. You’re real assholes.

  4. Just refuse to sign it and have your attorney contact them.

    In any event, what if they don’t record it but their child does and shares it with his or her parents later on? Are they addressing that situation as well?

    I’d like to see the text of that waiver, it should be interesting reading (particularly for an attorney).

  5. Perhaps we parents (and school enablers) need to remind those low-class, moronic teachers (education majors are the dumbest students(?) on any college campus) that we are their bosses who pay their salaries and control their job descriptions! #TAKE BACK CONTROL OF OUR SCHOOLS!!!

  6. How about making every teacher, staff member & administrator at the school system sign individual confidentiality agreements with each parents since they are “entering” the personal & private space of an individual’s residence with a camera on top of the computer I might add.

  7. At the very least that should work both ways. MJA brings up a startling scenario — go get mommy’s credit card. Wow!

    How about kids who access the virtual classroom from a room that’s got a Bible on the table or bookshelf. What if someone walks through the camera view wearing a “Trump 2020” shirt or hat? Pretty easy for Cloward & Piven spawn to be searching out those sorts of things, isn’t it?

    “The only people that don’t want to disclose the truth, are people with something to hide.” ~Barry Soetoro, Community Organizer

  8. I honestly do not understand what it takes for parents to understand public school is bad for your kids. They don’t receive an academic education, only a leftist immoral education, whether it’s queers are normal, transgenders are normal, any perverted sex you can dream up is normal, killing babies is normal, God though is not normal. Guns, parents and God are the enemy. Then of course all the pedophiles who are there to molest your children.

    Public education should be child abuse.

  9. …I audited MY kids classes from time to time, read his homework, and talked to him about his classes, and sometimes corrected missed or wrong information, occasionally getting him in trouble with the teacher when he told her something I said was wrong. My take on it was that I’m PAYING for this shit and it’s MY kid, so you’re not gonna have any secrets from ME…

  10. Michael Younger AUGUST 24, 2020 AT 12:53 PM
    “I think teachers should wear body cams, just like the cops. And the video should be available to the public…”

    …couple of problems with that…One, I’m not a fan of sharing my kid’s likeness and location with the ENTIRE REST OF THE WORLD. Two, there’s PLENTY of perverts that would absolutely LOVE to make that a YouTube channel, and maybe even modify it some, so to me, putting images of other people’s children where the Jeffrey Epstein Fan Club members of the world can get to it without the knowledge or consent of the parents at a MINIMUM is an ABSOLUTE no-no, although AUDIO would probably be OK, and PARENTAL access should be allowed, they, and their LAWYERS…

  11. Udderwise, da’ Teachers Union will dispatch Frankie, Tic-Tac, Three Fingers Vinnie, & Rocco to your domicile, & LEARNS you some respect for da’ union employees!!! 😳


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