Tens of Thousands Participate in Walk for Life West Coast – IOTW Report

Tens of Thousands Participate in Walk for Life West Coast

Breitbart: Tens of thousands of pro-life activists gathered in Civic Center Plaza in San Francisco on Saturday for the 14th annual Walk for Life West Coast.

KQED reported some 50,000 activists were expected to participate in the San Francisco event that mirrored the March for Life held January 19 in the nation’s capital. The pro-life events are held each year on or about the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s ruling in the case of Roe v. Wade, when the high court created a right to abortion though none existed in the Constitution.

Wearing a pink jacket, Walk for Life West Coast co-founder Eva Muntean emphasized that abortion hurts both babies and women.

“We’re here to proclaim that abortion hurts women,” she told the crowd of activists. “We’re here to take back the narrative that abortion is a right and personally, I’m here to take back pink!”

Last weekend, thousands of feminists wearing pink “pussyhats” marched in the city against President Donald Trump’s pro-life agenda. Also, Planned Parenthood—the nation’s largest provider of abortions—uses pink as its signature color. READ MORE

4 Comments on Tens of Thousands Participate in Walk for Life West Coast

  1. Americans who believe in the sanctity of Life can march in the 100s of thousands in cities across the US but the House and Senate will not only approve of the murder of babies, they fund it with our tax dollars.

    Morally bankrupt !

  2. A young female relative just started working for planned—hood, she’s performing the deed.

    Eventually it will fill her full of regret, shame, profound sadness and mental illness. I hope she becomes a Christian and finds forgiveness.

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