Testimony from dad who lost son to the jab – IOTW Report

Testimony from dad who lost son to the jab


HT/ Anymouse

10 Comments on Testimony from dad who lost son to the jab

  1. A little research and critical thinking might have saved his son. I have difficulty understanding the trust people put in the gubmint. FJB/LGB

  2. Sadly a lot of people earlier in the year were under the big propaganda lie of we are all in this together, everyone get the shot to help us all go back to life. And yet where is anyone now for Mr. Ramirez or any of the other injured that spoke. So much for all in this together!

  3. It looks like the public is finally starting to figure out that the vaccines aren’t what they were advertised as. It only took tens of thousands of deaths & hundreds of thousands (probably millions) of injuries for them to see it.

  4. Thankfully I didn’t lose a child, but this damn death jab has taken family members and friends.
    I do not understand why people haven’t done their research and you can’t believe any doctor who tells you they’re safe or safer than getting covid because they can not honestly say that. You should have known you can’t trust the government.

    I’ve had the arguments with people and one they like to say when I tell them I’m not scared of dying, is why are you scared of the death jab then. For starters just because I’m not scared of dying doesn’t mean I’ll play russian roulette either. Second as a Christian I believe the death jab is more than just a death jab, I’m firmly believe it is either the mark(look at the tracking shit now that is coming to light, look at the not being able to work or shop) or it is the prelude to the mark. Third I love my grandchildren and I’m not going to take a jab that I might not die from that will shed shit to my grandbabies. Finally I love my husband, why would I take a jab when every single paper given to my husband before his cancer treatment in bold letter says to not take any vaccines. So why would the medical community claim this jab is different from other vaccines and is safe to take?

    Trust me I’ve asked them that question and I’ve asked them to tell me what’s in the jab, how can they say it’s safe when before the plandemic it had never been given to humans before, how can they tell me it’s safe when I’ve had family die from it? I ask them if they’ve looked at VAERS, if they know the percentage was showed years ago of the deaths and injuries that actually were reported to VAERS. They have not been able to answer any of these questions without bullshit. So why trust them if they can’t answer those questions, which should be simple questions for a medical professional to answer. Just saying well Covid will kill you isn’t an answer.

  5. Goes beyond outrage and anger if you continue down the page at Barnhart’s web page.

    Daughter in pediatric practice with more tragic stories than you’d care to hear.

    Other side of the coin (son) that is now wanting his parents to get the jab or not visit/see new grand daughter and the parents are both doctors.

    I’m trying to limit what I say here…

  6. Any mouse: the only problem with their plan is that it is thinning those who believe them. The people they really want to get rid of aren’t going anywhere near the jab.


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