Testimony that Scummy Schiff Wanted Blocked Is Released- And It Blows Up the Left’s Impeachment Narrative – IOTW Report

Testimony that Scummy Schiff Wanted Blocked Is Released- And It Blows Up the Left’s Impeachment Narrative

Red State-

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) has been agitating for House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff (D-CA) to release the transcript of the closed door testimony of White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) official Mark Sandy.

It just dropped and we can see why Schiff may have sat on it.

Sandy provided the reason for why aid was held up that blows apart the Schiff narrative and is completely consistent with everything we’ve seen from how President Donald Trump works.

Sandy explained that the only reason he was told that aid was temporarily frozen was because of other countries not contributing more to Ukraine.

Q: Okay. At any point in time, from the moment that you walked into the SCIF to anytime in history, has Mr. Duffey even provided to you a reason why the President wanted to place a hold on security assistance?
A: I recall in early September an email that attributed the hold to the President’s concern about other countries not contributing more to Ukraine.


15 Comments on Testimony that Scummy Schiff Wanted Blocked Is Released- And It Blows Up the Left’s Impeachment Narrative

  1. OT {yet related}

    Watching the Right Reverrrending Al “CoCoCakes” Sharpton have to give Petey Buttigieg a public blow job on msNBC is the third funniest thing seen on todays AM coffee clips.

    The other 2 awaiting are for Donny ‘Douchebag’ Deutsch and Liz ‘Wormhead Trix’ Mair.

    Thanks msNBC!!!
    That was grrreat

  2. Show trials – now that’s what the real facists and communists knew how to do much better than our Democrats. Schiff’s witnesses just don’t know how to perform at a show trial; they keep wandering off script and telling the truth.

  3. …the reason they used to kill people who attempted treason was, quite simply, so they don’t try AGAIN.

    …with no punishment for trying, they will be back…and back…and back…and eventually the people will weary of it amid the constant harping of the media and the total inaction in Congress on more important matters, and go with the harrassed soccer mom answer of punishing the kid that all the OTHER kids complain about just so every one shuts UP, and the President will be impeached, maybe even removed, because a majority of lo-fo people just don’t want to hear it any more.

    They will do this because they think it will buy them a quieter life. And it WILL, until the now-unfettered Democrats find it convinent to line them up for the boxcars…

  4. …just imagine what would have happened if Republicans had publically organized a “resistance” against “Obama” just after the 2008 elections, constantly tried to impeach him, did NONE of the Nation’s work, and OPENLY spoke of a “Coup” against HIM.

    …do you think they’d still be ALIVE today?

  5. No number of facts will deflect the narrative.

    This is TREASON.
    This is a coup d’etat – a means to destroy the “State” (render the Constitution moot) and implement a tyranny (along nihilistic totalitarian (ie. NAZI, SovCom, ChiCom, Fascist lines) with (apparently) Soros pulling the strings).

    They cannot let it go.
    They cannot attempt to mitigate it.
    By backing off they put their heads in the noose – and we should do that for them.
    By backing off they admit the falsity of their position.

    When the Senate acquits, or refuses to play along, the totalitarians will squawk that the Republicans are the perpetrators of a fraud on the American people.
    Their media parrots will cackle and mimic human voices with whatever they’re told with a sickening regularity of expression – each parroting what the other said – “bombshell,” “bombshell,” “bombshell,” “bombshell,” “quid pro quo,” “quid pro quo,” “quid pro quo,” “quid pro quo,” “bribery,” “bribery,” “bribery,” “bribery,” “pretty bird,” “pretty bird,” “pretty bird,” “pretty bird,” ad nauseam.

    If they don’t suffer the consequences of Treason, they will continue to commit Treason – until they finally succeed.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Imani Perry
    What a phony actress.
    Transparent Pretentious Princeton Phony

    Did you see that?

    Also, apparently, according to Petey Buttigieg, feet are dirty and disgusting but anal intercourse is yummy.

    And now msNBC has a preacher preaching live on air.

    These msNBC people are sick.

  7. Chitty Schiff will declare the documents Mark Sandy provided as falsely created (like Obumbles birth certificate really was) & as heresy evidence not to be allowed, then use those documents to wipe his “Chitty Schiff Ass” with.


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