Texans can carry handguns without a license or training starting Sept. 1, after Gov. Greg Abbott signs permitless carry bill into law – IOTW Report

Texans can carry handguns without a license or training starting Sept. 1, after Gov. Greg Abbott signs permitless carry bill into law

The Texas Tribune headline is a beaut. “Or Training.”

Am I required to train to defend myself, constitutionally?

Texas Tribune

Texans can carry handguns without a license or training starting Sept. 1, after Gov. Greg Abbott on Wednesday signed the permitless carry bill into law.

House Bill 1927 eliminates the requirement for Texas residents to obtain a license to carry handguns if they’re not prohibited by state or federal law from possessing a gun. The signing of the bill seals a win to conservative activists who have long sought the measure without success.

Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and other Republicans who were initially noncommittal about the bill were under immense political pressure this session from conservatives and gun rights advocates, who have long lobbied the Texas Legislature for permitless carry but historically struggled to win support.


19 Comments on Texans can carry handguns without a license or training starting Sept. 1, after Gov. Greg Abbott signs permitless carry bill into law

  1. I’ll never forget walking down the sidewalk in downtown Cody Wyoming with a .41 magnum revolver strapped to my hip and then sitting down for a burger at Wild Bill Cody’s Hotel. That feeling of FREEDOM is exhilarating!

  2. Years ago when I was with The Minuteman Civil Defense Corp. in New Mexico, myself and a friend were both open carrying (me a stainless steel Ruger Security Six 4″ barrel .357) standing on the side of the road having a conversation with a New Mexico State Police officer and the three of us felt like it was no big deal at all. Ye indeed… that was a feeling of freedom I’ll never forget.

    Only drawback… I just renewed my Texas License To Carry Handgun. Just came in the mail about a week ago. Hell… might become a collector’s item in the future.

  3. Your concealed carry permit should be golden in all 50 states under the Due Process and Equal Protection clauses of the 14th Amendment as handed down by SCOTUS in Obergefell v. Hodges. Same reasoning.

    In Obergefell v. Hodges all states must recognize a same-sex marriage that was legally performed in another state according to the Supreme Court of the United States.

    From the Encyclopaedia Britannica:
    The SCOTUS case of “Obergefell v. Hodges, legal case in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled (5–4) on June 26, 2015, that state bans on same-sex marriage and on recognizing same-sex marriages duly performed in other jurisdictions are unconstitutional under the due process and equal protection clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.”

  4. I hope the new packers will seek out professional training and make a point of regular range time. If not, you won’t be able to shoot as well as the average cop, which is pretty bad. Nobody shoots a short gun well without practice. A silenced .22 makes opportunities for practice all over the place. Heh.

  5. My advise is even though you can…don’t until you are trained!!! You need to know not just HOW to shoot but WHEN to shoot, otherwise YOU could end up being the victim and loosing everything!

  6. “Only drawback… I just renewed my Texas License To Carry Handgun. Just came in the mail about a week ago. Hell… might become a collector’s item in the future.”

    Not a bad thing, when the last of oppressive regulations expire…

    I say, keep your memento. It’ll surely be worth more than you paid for it.

    Sure do wish I could find those Dallas Bus Tokens I had for decades.

    Surely worth more than 10¢ now. Pieces of art, even.

  7. I know this is a touchy subject, and do not take this the wrong way, but I’m more than a bit worried about this. Common sense should tell you there are definitely people out there who should never be allowed anywhere near a firearm, 2nd Amendment or not. On the other hand, requiring permits never stopped criminals or idiots. I only hope there are enough good citizens to counter them.

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