Texas: Abortion Fanatics Waste Money on Billboards – IOTW Report

Texas: Abortion Fanatics Waste Money on Billboards

Waskom, TX declared itself a sanctuary city for the unborn last month. Not be up staged, a couple of abortion lobbyist put up a couple of billboards on the city limits equating abortion with freedom.  More

6 Comments on Texas: Abortion Fanatics Waste Money on Billboards

  1. The town’s ordinance may be challenged in court? So what? Illegal immigration is, well, illegal and there are plenty of sanctuary cities around for that.

    Leftists had better be careful because if they get a sanctuary ordinance thrown out, it would be easy to get other sanctuary ordinances thrown out. Either a sanctuary ordinance is legal or it is not.

    But no one ever accused leftists of thinking things out before hand.

  2. Why don’t they put some graphics on their billboards?

    Hey- isn’t this in Texas? That is where lbj was from, and he was a democrat. And his wife ‘Lady Bird’ johnson, pushed really hard for the Highway Beautification Act, which sought to abolish billboards. And now, in 2019, they’re advertising abortions on billboards in Texas. Can’t these people find another way to make money? They’re apparently very proficient with vacuum cleaners, maybe they could start a cleaning business.
    they suck, literally

  3. Pro choice my aching ass, the progressive movement has, since its inception, been all in for increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death. It is what it is and the progressive movement worships abortion culture. The Democrat Party has been subsumed by the progressive movement and is nothing but a death cult at this point.


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