Texas: African Immigrant Accused serial killer healthcare worker tied to a thousand unexplained deaths of elderly patients is indicted on additional murder charges – IOTW Report

Texas: African Immigrant Accused serial killer healthcare worker tied to a thousand unexplained deaths of elderly patients is indicted on additional murder charges

h/t dee [Bullpen].

DailyMailUK: An immigrant healthcare worker has been indicted on two further counts of capital murder in North Texas after previously being charged with smothering almost a dozen elderly women to death. 

A Dallas County Grand Jury on Tuesday indicted Billy Chemirmir, 47, on murder charges in the deaths of Leah Corken, 83, and Juanita Prudy, 82. 

The two women lived in The Tradition-Prestonwood in Dallas and died suddenly in the summer of 2016. 

Court documents claim that Chemirmir smothered the women to death with a pillow.  

Chemirmir is suspected of being involved with more than 1,000 unexplained deaths in Texas.  

The Kenyan, who worked as a home healthcare aide, was initially charged in 2018 with the murder of 81-year-old Lu Thi Harris. read more

17 Comments on Texas: African Immigrant Accused serial killer healthcare worker tied to a thousand unexplained deaths of elderly patients is indicted on additional murder charges

  1. Tim, funny thing about the Daily Mail. Remember the French guy that was in NY with his girl friend for Valentines Day that got slashed in the neck in a completely random attack? All the US media said it was an unidentified attacker and no description of the perp. At the very same time the Daily Mail posted a clear picture of the guy in their story of the attack. How in the heck is that? That’s is just one of many examples that I’ve noticed.

  2. “The Kenyan, who worked as a home healthcare aide…”

    “ Originally from Nigeria, ICE have also placed a hold on his file and deportation proceedings may begin.. “

    Deportation to where?

    Journos, journos, journos…..

  3. I believe that Texas still has the death penalty, execute him immediately and get it over with. And then drag his worthless body across a field full of coyotes, wolves, eagles, buzzards etc. and let them tear apart his carcass till there is nothing left but bones and then put his bones into a bath of lye or hydrochloric acid until there’s nothing left.

  4. Old Sparky,
    Too quick. Flay his skin to expose bare raw nerve endings.
    THEN stake him out on the bare dirt.
    Pour vinegar on his exposed skin.
    Leave out overnight for the critters.
    Next morning, lather, rinse, repeat until deceased (may take a few days).

  5. Thirdtwin: more cost effective to deport his remains

    It is nice to know that there are many people on this site who make me look like the calm one as many of my friends think that I have a few leaking gaskets.

  6. “Chemirmir is suspected of being involved with more than 1,000 unexplained deaths in Texas.”

    That’s quite an allegation. Where are the 47 local, state and federal law enforcement agencies (the task force) on this?


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