Texas AG Ken Paxton Takes Over Investigation Into Corrupt Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo’s $11 Million No-Bid Contract – IOTW Report

Texas AG Ken Paxton Takes Over Investigation Into Corrupt Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo’s $11 Million No-Bid Contract


The walls are finally closing in on corrupt Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has joined the investigation into Lina Hidalgo’s $11 million no-bid contract.

Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg (D) transferred the case to Ken Paxton’s office so it didn’t ‘fall through the cracks’ when she leaves office next year.

KHOU 11 reported:

Lawyers from the Texas Attorney General’s Office will have six months to become familiar with a case involving three ex-staffers of Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo accused of steering a contract toward a vendor. That timeline was set by Harris County Judge Hazel Jones.

Attorneys from the AG Ken Paxton’s office told Jones they need time to review the material in the case.

“We just got on the case, we need to catch up to speed,” one attorney said.

Hidalgo’s office is embroiled in a bid-rigging scandal. MORE

5 Comments on Texas AG Ken Paxton Takes Over Investigation Into Corrupt Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo’s $11 Million No-Bid Contract

  1. Texas is just one of MANY US states that needs to be broken up into MANY individual, sovereign entities in order to better “represent” the will of the people. Of course the federal government MUST be dissolved first, so we can all be free again. But clearly states like CA, TX and others are simply WAY TOO LARGE and WAY TOO POWERFUL (as a government entity) to remain as is if freedom and liberty are to ever have a chance again. Same with the US.

  2. The Democrat who beat Kim Ogg in the Democratic Primary for DA was endorsed by Linda Hildago. If he gets elected, the case against Hildago won’t fall through the cracks, it will be thrown in the incinerator.

  3. During the recent flooding here in Houston, Hidalgo was the official spokesperson giving updates and such. I found that really strange since it should have been someone in the emergency management department or the mayor, not a judge.


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