PJMedia: As if a man in a dress shaking his a** in the face of children is not enough to get fired.
A Texas church dropped a “goth” drag queen from an all-ages “drag bingo” night after learning he was convicted in a 2004 plot to blaze up a school when he was 17 years old.
Jaysen Kettl, aka “Tisha Flowers” was scheduled to “perform” at a sold-out, all-ages fandango for the First Christian Church, which is part of the Disciples of Christ, the lefty faction of the non-denominational-but-sort-of-a-denomination Christian Church. Then adults got involved.
Kevin Whitt, Founder of Culture Warriors of America, did a little digging and learned that Kettl has a creepy, sinister past. MORE
…other than that, a perfectly normal person…
So queer grooming was OK, but shooting up a school, well THAT crosses the line.
If these freaks want to pretend to be women, then they need some women to teach them what outfits work on them. This guy looks like Chriss Farley in a wig and drag.
I’m guessing that the church Transitions small group wasn’t quite what I expected
Apparently they Don’t preach Romans 1 at that so-called Church?
What’s up with the church, that they thought is was acceptable to begin with?
Donations down? Got news, that kinda thing won’t get’em up.
The DOC (Disciples of Christ) have literally been in bed with the hyper radical UCC (United Church of Christ) since the ‘gay 90s’ or so. They share pastors and the belief that the Bible was just a fable and that Jesus was just another “good” man like Confucius, Buddha, and the child loving Mohammed among others.
It is all about the social and community organizing you dig?
My extremist opinion is that any organization that thinks it’s a good idea to have filthy faggot perverts do lurid dances in front of kids is not anywhere in the ball park of a Christian organization.
If they book a gig do they use the GOOD BOOK? I didn’t think so.
IF you have the words “church” and “drag queen” in the same story, and it’s not about the church protesting said freak, then it is not a real church. I would urge anyone attending this fake place to get out before it is too late.
What took so long? Tx “Christians” seem to be “different”!
All “churches” have long since fallen, associating and ingratiating themselves to the power of the beast. They will all see their Due.