Texas Democrats asking non-citizens to vote – IOTW Report

Texas Democrats asking non-citizens to vote

AMERICAN THINKER: The Public Interest Legal Foundation has alerted the Justice Department to a gambit by Texas Democrats to get non-citizens to vote.

The state party sent out a voter registration form asking non-citizens to sign up, with the citizenship box already checked “yes.”

Washington Times:

The Public Interest Legal Foundation alerted district attorneys and the federal Justice Department to the pre-checked applications, and also included a signed affidavit from a man who said some of his relatives, who aren’t citizens, received the mailing.

“This is how the Texas Democratic Party is inviting foreign influence in an election in a federal election cycle,” said Logan Churchwell, spokesman for the PILF, a group that’s made its mark policing states’ voter registration practices.

The Texas secretary of state’s office said it, too, had gotten complaints both from immigrants [sic] and from relatives of dead people who said they got mailings asking them to register.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott vowed to investigate.

“If true there will be serious consequences,” he said.

This is an open invitation for voter fraud on a large scale, and the way the Democrats went about it defies belief: MORE

8 Comments on Texas Democrats asking non-citizens to vote

  1. We got them now! …………crickets………….crickets. California has been registering ILLEGAL ALIENS for about 5-6 years, since it started issuing driver’s licenses for the asking.

    If you’re a citizen, you must bring a birth certificate to apply, but if you’re an ILLEGAL, it’s ‘ally, ally in come free-for-all’. Another demoncrat flat out seditious criminal act that we shake our heads. We are waiting for crippled, blind, lady justice, who has suffered a vicious leftist gang rape to get up and follow the appointed DOJ leadership. Oh, shut, here comes the leftist gang again.

    Where is that ‘wrrrrascaly’ Attorney General? FBI? Trump? “Bueller? Buellar?”

  2. We got them now! …………crickets………….crickets. California has been registering ILLEGAL ALIENS for about 5-6 years, since it started issuing driver’s licenses for the asking.

    If you’re a citizen, you must bring a birth certificate to apply, but if you’re an ILLEGAL, it’s ‘ally, ally in come free-for-all’. Another demoncrat flat out seditious criminal act ar which we shake our heads. We are waiting for crippled, blind, lady justice, who has suffered a vicious leftist gang rape, to get up and follow the appointed DOJ leadership. Oh, shit, here comes the leftist gang again.

    Where is that ‘wrrrrascaly’ Attorney General? FBI? Trump? “Bueller? Buellar?”

  3. It’s getting past time to talk about jail for these scum. Years of courtroom maneuvering will not get it done. It’s time to get more serious. Something is going to touch things off and I’m ready to get some payback.


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