Texas fleebag superspreaders – IOTW Report

Texas fleebag superspreaders

American Thinker:
Democrats, who’ve made all manner of political hay on COVID, advising us as Our Betters on lockdowns and masks, don’t think they need to take their own advice.

[…] Now they’ve spread COVID quite possibly to one another and at a minimum exposed others. According to the Austin American Statesman:

Texas Democrats have met with a slew of Capitol Hill Democrats this week, including U.S. Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Joe Manchin of West Virginia. Vice President Kamala Harris also met with them Tuesday.

They claim to have been fully vaccinated, of course.

14 Comments on Texas fleebag superspreaders

  1. Compare media coverage of this Democrat rake-step to media coverage of DJTJ and family going maskless at the first debate.

    And could this be the point where Dems and their media dump vaccines, masks and lockdowns on Trump’s shoulders? At least until this news cycle blows over. Then it will become a Teachable Moment about the continuing need for recalcitrant Republicans to get their jabs and wear their masks.

  2. The moment of truth on this was as follows:

    1. Fleebaggers want to meet applesauce brains.
    2. Attention whore Cackles von Commie grants an audience.
    3. Pedos handlers require a Covid screen prior to meeting Applesauce Brains.
    4. Three Demonrat Fleebaggers pop hot
    5. WH panics because Tweener Tawt von Pantsuit pops hot with the Wu Flu.
    6. Emergency visit to WR for a “routine” appointment on a Sunday no less.
    7. Neither Pedo or Cackles got a real jab, now Cackles has the Rona.
    8. Can anyone say political disaster?
    9. The Kenyan Queer must be pulling his gray hair out by the hand full dealing with these stupid charlatans he installed.
    10. Proof Commiela has a staff that hates her, they exposed her without pre-screened Rona testing or more likely the egotistical bitch overruled them in her eagerness to grab the spotlight.
    11. They both had placebos because they know the jabs are poison.
    12. Now the vaccination deck of cards collapses just as the stolen election comes out.
    13. These satanic people could not be more stupid.
    14. God wins again.

  3. By the way, I have tried to post comments on 3 stories regarding the truth that Pedo and the Whore
    both had placebos but Cisco Kid posts are mysteriously blocked.

    And you think the NSA doesn’t have us flagged…

  4. Ask the other 11 thousand who died from the jab>>

    I bet it is a lot higher than that. They have been undercounting vaccine deaths while over counting the covid deaths.

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