TEXAS: Gov. Abbott issues executive order designed to re-open Texas in waves, all schools closed until fall – IOTW Report

TEXAS: Gov. Abbott issues executive order designed to re-open Texas in waves, all schools closed until fall

AUSTIN, Texas (KETK) – Gov. Greg Abbott announced on Friday a complex executive order that is designed to re-open Texas in several waves over the next several weeks.

Strike Force

The order created a statewide strike force comprised of business and medical leaders from around the state, including Matress Mack and Ross Perot Jr.

It will also be headed by Texas’ top political leaders such as Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, Speaker of the House Dennis Bonnen, and Attorney General Ken Paxton.

Abbott stressed that while he is beginning a re-opening in Texas, it “must occur in stages.”


Beginning on Monday, April 20, all state parks will be allowed to re-open. Visitors will still be required to wear face masks, stay six feet away from people that do not live in the same home, and a ban on groups larger than five.

On Wednesday, April 22, current restriction on medical procedures and surgeries will be loosened. Abbott claimed that hospitals have “plenty of capacity” and that the state had a large supply of protection gear for doctors.

An example of a procedure that will be allowed to restart is a diagnostic to test for cancer.

By Friday, April 24, all retail stores in the state will be allowed to operate as “retail-to-go.” It will operate the same way as restaurants have been doing takeout service since the social distancing restrictions went into effect back in early March.

Abbott did not mention when restaurants and bars would be able to re-open for full, in-house service. more here

5 Comments on TEXAS: Gov. Abbott issues executive order designed to re-open Texas in waves, all schools closed until fall

  1. This is still acceptance that what the government did was right.

    Slowly reopening things instead of just dropping the restrictions means that the government, not the people themselves, is the one in control of all the aspects of the people’s lives.

    Same way a farmer is in control of the lives of his livestock, he owns them and he decides how they live and what they do.

  2. Wouldn’t it be great if all the kids who were shut out of their indoctrination centers for half the year returned this fall with higher reading, writing, and math skills?

  3. The big problem will be supply chains. They are extremely complex and interconnected. Example, a chemical plant makes dozens of intermediate products that are used in other manufacturing facilities. Everything including the raw materials have been available and all the supply chains have remained functional. Now if one byproduct of the process is no longer needed due to the shutdown, that builds up until there is no storage left and the chemical plant has to stop production. One link in the chain can end the flow of supply. These problems will create a sort of traffic jam that could take months to sort out.

  4. Just open everything and let Americans figure out the glitches. If Liberals don’t open up their states I guess they won’t have anyone voting for their sorry selves.


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