Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Announces Investigation Into Case Of Mother Transitioning Son Against Father’s Wishes – IOTW Report

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Announces Investigation Into Case Of Mother Transitioning Son Against Father’s Wishes

Daily Caller: Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced an investigation into the case of a 7-year-old whose mother plans to transition him to a girl against his father’s wishes.

Abbott tweeted that the Texas Attorney General’s Office and the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services is looking into details of James Younger’s case. A judge is expected to make a final verdict in the court case Thursday. read more

26 Comments on Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Announces Investigation Into Case Of Mother Transitioning Son Against Father’s Wishes

  1. I wamted to be a dinosaur when I was 7 so I would also be protected by the Endangered Species Act.

    Having said that, these sick parents are engaged in whats called Munchausen by proxy.

  2. according to the father it is against the child’s wishes as well.
    only the mother wants to make the change.

    this it truly sick.
    the whole alphabet syndrome is mentally insane.

  3. I heard that the wife isn’t even the biological mother, they had a donor egg implanted.
    They should Elian Gonzalez that little boy and shoot that bitch in the process

  4. …I honestly don’t understand why the father hasn’t ended that wonan yet, she’s clearly evil and deranged, and the liberal State will roll with Satan before it’s all over…

    …but that’s corporal me talking. There IS hope, but not in Man.

    …last night, my wife testifed in church that she was very upset by this whole thing, and had gone to God about it with the question we ALL have for him, sooner or later, which is “why?”. This is a GREAT, very clear evil being supported by the Government, and she was asking the Lord why he wouldn’t END it.

    …then HE told her, he WOULD.

    She didn’t know what that meant or when, but testified that she believed HE would, if we continued to pray. We did so, corporately tgen, individually now.

    …and it looks like God is moving.

    …make no mistake, God’s judgement lies heavy on this land. Too many have turned from Him, too many are steeped in evil to the point they CELEBRATE it and CODIFY it to try to force His children to accept what He proscribes; and this nation that is SO in sin that it is not sated by the wholesale slaughter of infants so it now turns to MUTILATING CHILDREN will NOT be spared His wrath.

    The Bible tells us that ALL nations will turn against Him, and so earn His righeous judgement. It does NOT say “except for the United States”. This nation WILL turn fully to evil or God is a liar, and God is NO liar.

    He HAS spared us for a time, however, and will contine to send His spirit, answer our prayers, and overule Man’s judgement that as many as possible may see His greatness and receive His mercy by turning to Him as possible. He stays His wrath only until ALL hear His word and have a chance to accept Him. Only then, in HIS time, will He send Jesus to take His faithful home, so they will be spared His righteous wrath as he finally and completely buns evil from this world.

    Until then, He will make His sign, and show His mercy even to a 7 year old who desperately needs it.

    God IS in control. Never doubt it.

    …getting back to how I started, my first impulse was to ask why the father didn’t shoot this vindictive, evil woman in the face when the State turned against him.

    Maybe it’s because he received the same message.

    …if he HAD killed her, ONE evil would be removed from this world, but there are many others. The State would have simply turned the boy over to another person who was pledged to continue this madness, and he would no longer have standing or hope to prevent it. His children, and he has another, would suffer from his loss and mourn the woman because they are children and would not be served by it either.

    And God Himself would be angry if He truly plans to use her to make His sign if the man had deprived Him of His glory. God can use ANYONE, wherther they believe in Him or NOT to His purpose, and even Satan does the Lord’s bidding whether he knows it or NOT.

    …the hardest phrase in Christendom is “Wait Upon the Lord”. We get frustrated that the Lord doesn’t move fast enough for us, and try to take matters into our own hands, on impulse, without praying over it. This usually ends badly, as God is not in it.

    …but as is often the case, the best advice here may be, as usual, from the Bible…

    “13 And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever.

    14 The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.”
    Exodus 14:13-14

    Wait upon the Lord.

    It’s sometimes the hardest answer, but it’s often the ONLY answer.

    I’ve seen the back of The Book. God wins in the end…

  5. The mother is a pediatrician. Someone should send in a letter to Texas Medical Board. This is malpractice. To boot on her own kid. She may have gotten through medical school, but she doesn’t have a lick of smarts in the common sense area.

  6. @Walpurgis I am sorry, but you are wrong. I have a divorced daughter and she has all the responsibilities and few rights, while her ex has zero responsibilities and all of the rights. While she left him because he’s an A-hole, she still has to kowtow to his every damn wish and he hasn’t paid child support or medical for three years. No consequences for HIM. So this case isn’t about single moms in general.

  7. @Supernightshade…well said. As for your opening line, all you would see in the media reporting is: “Ex-husband kills estranged wife” so the activist liars can continue fomenting the illusion that every man will be an abuser. (it’s statistically about 50-50 men/woman)

    Everything in Family Court is a sham designed to destroy family’s while making state “Support” organizations (designed for woman) a lot of money. 92% of the time the court destroys the father, effectively putting him on notice that he is to play or else. At that point the dad has no real rights so has to sit there and take it or end up in jail. Some men can’t handle the persecution so blow a gasket, and that’s what we hear about, not the mother’s selfish hateful bad behavior (which wreck’s the children in the process of mom’s alienation tactics).

    This case is obvious to anyone with two operating brain cells that the [so-called doctor] mother is out of her mind and evil-doing…it’s clear child abuse. Regardless the obvious, the mentally ill activist judge sided with her anyway.

    Praying God intervenes soon, either directly (smiting sounds pretty good), or through others.

  8. @The-Mamomma October 24, 2019 at 10:04 am

    > So this case isn’t about single moms in general.

    Yes. It is. What appalls you about post divorce treatment of your daughter, was unthinkable before single mommery. To expand the horror show, required saying “But it’s not just wymyns who’ll benefit!” Otherwise, even the stupid men (I know, I know) would bail on paying “their fair share”. So, single “mom’s” got what they wanted. Some of them get knocked about in The Revolution. But they all still support The Revolution.

  9. mcn OCTOBER 24, 2019 AT 10:02 AM
    “The mother is a pediatrician. Someone should send in a letter to Texas Medical Board.”

    …it wouldn’t go anywhere. Pediatricians are all-in on the whole “Transgender” thing now. My local “Children’s” Hospital just added a FLOOR for kids with “Gender Issues”, did a GIANT, disgusting roll-out party for it in an airplane hanger where ALL the press was invited and praised it to the skies, and has a RAFT of pamphlets about letting kids be whatever gender and it’s child abuse if you try to STOP them, so no help THERE…

  10. The mother is a doctor:this shows brains mean less than common sense.

    Prog American woman have lost their minds. Try dating one. Or marrying one.

    Feminism has destroyed the minds of America women.

  11. While researching everything I could find on this family. They both wanted to play God when these twin boys were created, not the egg donor and all that, but they requested boys. That part really bothers me as obviously the girl embryos were destroyed. That’s not to say I don’t think the Father should have full custody of them, but he was just a little whacked in the head himself for not only marrying the crazy woman, but also going along with choosing the sex of his children.

    They were both Orthodox Christians, members of an Orthodox Christian Church until she had the boy’s coming out party on his 5th birthday. Many of their Church friends were at the party and did not approve, upsetting crazy Mommy and making her leave the Church for a liberal Church.

    He said in one interview he started staying home with his kids when he noticed her attitude and treatment of the boys changing. He was still in the home when she started locking James in the bedroom telling him monsters only eat little boys. That’s when he should have taken those boys out of there. He then left the house and she filed for divorce, by this time she was already saying James exhibited girl traits. Yeah, you lock a toddler in a room and tell him monsters only eat little boys, he’s probably going to say I’m a girl then.

    I hope and pray this little boy can be saved and I hope and pray this has brought attention to the fact what these crazy people are doing to children, the parents, the crazy doctors opening up all these clinics and hospitals to experiment on all these kids. Hopefully enough people will stand up and demand this shit be stopped now. Both of these poor little boys though have already been emotionally damaged. Although the other little boy isn’t being forced to be a girl, he’s being pushed in a corner and forgotten about.

  12. “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin [stumble], it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea.”

    Seems pretty straight-forward…Jesus didn’t mince words when it came to adults harming children. God will have his say in this matter, either directly or by others.

  13. Perhaps someone should have asked the judge or the jury who among them would be have been willing to be used as an experiment as a child. The shots have serious and possibly life threatening side effects. This is sadistic.

  14. Cut the Goddamned crap. This is not about “transitioning,” this is human sacrifice plain and simple. To mutilate this kid as to offer an offering to that which she worships… the God of progressivism.

  15. Spanking a child is now called abuse, but castrating your own son and scarring him FOR LIFE is not abuse?? This poor baby boy will end up committing suicide if this monster scrunt gets her way. She is using him to boost her medical practice revenues. She is a true demon. If he were my boy I would pay someone to kill her. My kid’s life is more important. Period.

  16. So the Gov announces an investigation and the “Judge” scurries to protect herself. Keep the heat on Gov, Texas needs a child abuse cleansing fire, it seems!
    Immediately, and I MEAN IMMEDIATELY after the governor said he’s going to investigate the court, suddenly the judge issued a ruling that gave the dad an equal say. That obviously means the judge is corrupt and was about to be busted.”


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