Texas: Governor Greg Abbott Intervenes in Self-Defense Case to Pardon Wrongfully Accused and Prosecuted – IOTW Report

Texas: Governor Greg Abbott Intervenes in Self-Defense Case to Pardon Wrongfully Accused and Prosecuted

CTH: As with many metropolitan areas, Austin Texas sits as an example of what happens when Marxism is allowed to spread like cancer.

In a recent trial, a Texas man named Daniel Perry was convicted of murder for shooting and killing a Black Lives Matter protester who was pointing a loaded AK-47 rifle at him.  While the local police determined Mr. Perry acted in self-defense, another rogue Soros-backed District Attorney disregarded the evidence, hid exculpatory evidence in the case, and took Mr. Perry to trial.

With manipulated and selective evidence presented to the jury, Sgt Daniel Perry was found guilty on Friday.  Today, with mounting pressure from an outraged public, Texas Governor Greg Abbott intervenes and says he will pardon Sgt Perry as quickly as possible through the Board of Pardons and Paroles.  Let’s be clear though, justice has not been served; an injustice has been halted. more here

27 Comments on Texas: Governor Greg Abbott Intervenes in Self-Defense Case to Pardon Wrongfully Accused and Prosecuted

  1. The “law” has become a cudgel in the hands of these perverted liars.
    Satan, Soros, and his minions need to be excised – they are malignance incarnate.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “… Soros-backed District Attorney disregarded the evidence, hid exculpatory evidence in the case …”
    Sounds like criminal malfeasance.
    Isn’t that grounds for impeachment and dismissal?
    Is there no oversight authority in Texas?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “Let’s be clear though, justice has not been served; an injustice has been halted.”

    Halted not swiftly enough, he will still be a convicted felon and burdened with all the encumbrances involved in being so, he is still in prison now, he is still out of pocket whatever funds used in his defense that should have gone to feed his family, and there are still asshat progs who wish his demise.

    This man was wronged in the most horrendous way our justice-less justice system can impose on any man. When that DA is run out on a rail and Perry’s reputation and good name are restored to him whole and in the same condition as before, then and only then will “justice” be served.

    What a great Easter present to read, that the governor will intervene, but why did it need to come to this?

  4. Rich, if he is pardoned, doesn’t that wipe away the conviction, expunge it?

    Also, Tucker torched Abbott’s ass on Friday along with others online so I bet his ears were burning all weekend before he got off his ass and did the right thing.

  5. Loco, TBH, not sure how Texas law works but I remember years ago, talk about Scooter Libby and how even with a Bush pardon, he still could not practice law. Bush was wrong in not pardoning him, thank God, Trump had the stones to do so.

  6. This finding will be reversed – eventually – so his record will be clean. But he should never have been tried in the first place.
    DeSantis famously canned a local DA for not upholding the law, per the oath he took. A Soros DA of course. I would think that Abbott would be able to do similarly, no? And definitely Brady charges need to be brought against the DA.

    I never knew what Brady rules were, until the past month or so when they appear to be everywhere! (It’s only 60 years old. And has nothing to do with the gun-grabbing organization.)

  7. Hope that the Brady violation can be prosecuted. If true, DA teleling police to remove exculpatory evidence from his report is problematic to “prove” as unlikely it was in writing or with witnesses present.

  8. If you want to fix the Soros DA problem you need to do it at its source. Wipe it right off the face of the earth.
    There was a similar in AZ where some ANTIFA were trying to tear down a monument. I tried to follow that case. It was even more blatant than this one. It just faded out of the news cycle

  9. How is it that the board of pardons and Wheelchair Ken, (AKA Governor Abutt,) didn’t preemtively pardon keep Daniel Perry from having much of his life taken by the trial process. Also, how is it that the claimed prosecutorial misconduct does not result in the conviction being transferred to the prosecutor?

    Maroon – Texas Aggie
    Marooned – living in OhStink, TexAss


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