Texas Gunman Viciously Abused Stepson, Dogs Prior to Rampage – IOTW Report

Texas Gunman Viciously Abused Stepson, Dogs Prior to Rampage

Hannity: The lone gunman who murdered at least 26 people at a Texan church over the weekend had a horrific history of violence, including severely injuring his young stepson as well as repeated reports of vicious animal cruelty.

Devin Kelley, the 26-year-old man behind the worst shooting at a House of Worship in American history, was discharged from the US Air Force in 2014 after he “intentionally” fractured his stepson’s skull.

“He assaulted his stepson severely enough that he fractured his skull, and he also assaulted his wife,” a retired colonel for the Air Force told the New York Times. “He pled to intentionally doing it.”  more here

13 Comments on Texas Gunman Viciously Abused Stepson, Dogs Prior to Rampage

  1. Turns out that the USAF never put this asshole’s name on the NCIC list that would’ve caused him to fail a background check for purchasing a gun. I’d love to know what stupid ass bureaucratic penny pinching fuck-up caused that to happen. If his name had been forwarded, then he may have never been able to get the hardware to pull off this massacre. They USAF is now, of course, doing a full review to see who else’s name they may have failed to forward to NCIC.

  2. this Atheist asshole was on SSRI anti-depressant drugs, the favorite drug of choice for mass shooters (unless they’re Filthy Mohammedan Savages).
    -Church Shooter….SSRI drugs
    -Sandy Hook school shooter….SSRI’s
    -Colorado Movie Shooter….SSRI drugs
    -Columbine shooter kids….SSRI drugs
    -VA Tech shooter….SSRI drugs
    -Gabby Giffords shooter….SSRI drugs

    It’s still not clear if the Vegas shooter was on SSRI’s.

    There are two reasons why the Mainstream Media desperately covers up this hard link:
    1) mass shootings feed right into the Left’s desire to ban all guns and confiscate them from private citizens. It’s called CONTROL.
    2) the manufacturers in Big Pharma routinely spend tens of billions a year on ads in tv, radio, magazine and newspapers to push their latest panacea pill.

    Do you really think the hypocrites running these news organizations will publish or broadcast facts that will harm their main source of ad revenue AND at the same time, not harm the 2nd Amendment Rights of American citizens?

    “Slaughtica may cause certain side effects such as hysterectomies in men, prostate cancer in women, suicidal thoughts, urge to slaughter total strangers, loss of hearing or sight, jimmy legs, lumbago, catarrh, carbuncled lesions, loss of hair, halitosis, man-boobs, crying jags. If you experience any or all of these side effects, consult a doctor. Do not stop taking Slaughtica cold turkey as it may cause you to really go batshit cray cray and shoot as many people as possible in a GunFree Zone such as a school, church, college, public building or titty bar….”

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