Texas Judge Gives Mom Who Wants to Transition Her Son’s Gender Sole Rights – IOTW Report

Texas Judge Gives Mom Who Wants to Transition Her Son’s Gender Sole Rights

Woman judge gives woman right to cut off son’s nuts, even though he says he doesn’t want them lopped, and the father doesn’t either – SuperNightShade

17 Comments on Texas Judge Gives Mom Who Wants to Transition Her Son’s Gender Sole Rights

  1. Yea BB, I just gave your state some
    comments in the article above about
    a tax payer fund for child gender reassignment.
    Now my state tops yours in evil.BTW= I was born
    in Orange County.

  2. …you know, this father is fighting just as hard and as well as anyone can, he’s doing all the right things, going through all the right channels, has great lawyers, massive prayer support…and crazy wins anyway.

    Yes, I know, HE hasn’t given up the fight and God bless him for going to the legal wall for this…but he ought to be weighing out other options, too.

    For instance, if something…unfortunate…were to “happen” to that “mother”, who would custody devolve on?

    …more to the point, if something unfortunate happened to that cunt, in such a way as he was implicated and jailed, who THEN would custody devolve on, and…here’s the REAL cheese-binding part…how likely is THAT person to proceed to mutilate and sterilize a child and destroy him psychologically for all time?

    I’m guessing the twat’s mother, were SHE to get custody, would “honor her daughter’s wishes” by maiming her grandson. If so, any plan would have to be a “two-fer”, since he’s not likey to get two separate opportunities.

    I assume HE has parents, likely GOOD people since they evidently raised HIM right (other than his horrendous taste in women), so if THEY get custody, grandson’s probably gonna be OK.

    If the STATE gets custody, the militant lesbians will likely support their insane, deceased sister by placing him with a foster family that promises to see to it the boy is medically mangled. Need to look at other options, then.

    Among which is, how many “Doctors” are willing to betray their oath, their God, and their training to cut healthy tissue off a child in a vain attempt to make it something he will NEVER be, runing his mind along with his body for all time? I’m guessing there’s not that many, and MOST medical office buildings are NOT that well defended, just sayin’ that if there’s no “doctor”, there’s no “doctor Mengele, and therefore no one to destroy this boy in the name of lunitic appeasement forever…

    …I have no way of knowimg tbis guy’s situation, his capabilitirs, or his dedication. He SEEMS driven, but would he trade a few years of HIS life so his SON can have ALL of his, AS his SON?

    I would make that trade, IF it would have the desired outcome, which is where the custody chain becomes important..

    …this is fairly basic evil, and I would defend any method of ending it to the Lord Himself for my son. After all, the Bible says…

    “1 Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!

    2 It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.”
    Luke 17:1-2

    …not all options are noisy, but some are quite quiet, and you may be able to deal with more than ONE of these agents of evil before ypur luck runs out…

    …he’s exhausting the legal channels. Good on him, but he’s playing against a stacked deck in a politicized and corrupt system. It mau not YET be time to go to the mattresses, but I would suggest that he shouldn’t lose sight of the option, either…

    …I am so SICK of these fucking Democrats that can’t keep their hands off children, I’m not sure I shouldn’t be out righting the wrongs as well. These pedopoles have promoted each other to Govenment and Judgeships, then they support each other on the service of Baal when it comes to child sacrifice, hardening the system against ANY attempt to stop ANY of their perversions. There seems little possibility that the ruined court systems will ever do the right tbing again, and with the politicians as pedophiles as well, don’t look for any LAWS to protect children,either.

    As for God, I’m not sure where He is in this. He seems to be letting the reprobate minds run rampant over us. There are times I’m not sure the Rapture hasn’t already happened and NOBODY WENT, and we’re ALL not living the Tribulations.

    “Eli, Eli, Lema Sabachthani?”
    ..Jesus uttered these words on the Cross.

    “My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?,”
    …I can never know the pain that drove our Lord to say that to His Father, but I can well imagine the pain of the children that are betrayed by their own parents that have their very flesh rent for their parent’s sick gratification crying this out as the knife approaches…

    …it’s not murder. The children I saw to the hospital in my younger days after losing their innocence to formerly trusted adults are doubtlessly grown adults themselves now, still alive, but likely abusers themselves, as the child ends up looking like the father.

    That’s not always a good thing.

    Abuse begets abuse. The helpless THEN take it out on the helpless NOW. It’s a vicious cycle that’s only likely to get worse as the parental abuse gets worse, and I can think of little worse than destroying the most intimate parts of your most precious treasure. If this psychotic woman proceeds to her insane end, what, then, might her betrayed child do when HE becomes an adult?

    …I don’t know the answer. I don’t even like the questions any more. I am old, and tired, and not as strong nor as stealthy as I once was, but after seeing evil after evil glory over us, and prayer after prayer go unanswered, I am not sure that the time is not come to start amswering evil in kind. They can’t be reasoned with, they can’t be bargained with, they can’t even be trusted to act in their own self-interests.

    They will never stop, unless they ARE stopped.

    The time must come when we say, NO MORE. And must be backed by any means necessary.

    And this would seem as good a point as any…


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