Texas: Priest Accused Of Molestation Vanishes – IOTW Report

Texas: Priest Accused Of Molestation Vanishes

DC: A Texas priest turned up missing amid an investigation into allegations that he molested three teenage boys and stole money from his church.

Bishop Edward Burns of Dallas, Texas, said Rev. Edmundo Paredes fled the diocese and that while his whereabouts have not been confirmed, church officials said he might have returned to his native Philippines. Church officials said the allegations that Paredes molested three teenage boys over 10 years ago have been proven credible.

Burns said he is dedicated to addressing the situation openly and honestly before parishioners.

“I need to come face to face with the frustration. I need to come face to face with this issue, with the anger, with the rage. I recognize this diocese cannot cover its ears, its eyes, its mouth. We need to look at this head on,” Burns told congregants on Sunday, according to Dallas News.

Church officials received the allegations of sexual abuse against Paredes during an investigation into his financial misconduct. The investigation began May 2017 after Paredes was accused of stealing between $60,000 to $80,000 in cash from St. Cecilia’s Catholic Church in Oak Cliff. Burns said Paredes admitted to the theft and that church leadership removed him from ministry in June 2017, although the investigation continued. Paredes disappeared shortly after his suspension from ministry.

7 Comments on Texas: Priest Accused Of Molestation Vanishes

  1. “For He [God] made [past tense] Him [Christ] to be sin for us, Who [Christ] knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.” 2 Corinthians 5:21

    If Catholics (and many protestants) would believe the Bible that Christ was and is the ONLY mediator between God and man, and that His sacrificial work for our sins was completed and forever finished at the Cross, the wicked lie of priestcraft and pastorcraft would die a very necessary death; the structures that allowed decades of child rape would die with it.


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