Texas Putting God Back in the Classroom – IOTW Report

Texas Putting God Back in the Classroom

Courthouse News

Emboldened by a Supreme Court ruling last summer, Republicans in the Texas Legislature are ramping up efforts to put religion back in public schools. In response, advocates for religious freedom have mounted opposition to what they view as a blatant attack on church-state separation.

Senate Bill 1515 would require a poster of the Ten Commandments to be in every public school classroom in the state. Under Senate Bill 1396, public school districts would be able to adopt policies allowing for a moment of prayer and a reading from the Bible or other religious text during the school day. To participate in prayer, students and faculty must give written consent and conduct their activities away from students that have not provided consent. Finally, Senate Bill 763 is a measure that would allow school districts to employ chaplains to serve as school counselors. More

6 Comments on Texas Putting God Back in the Classroom

  1. Crickey, how about just shit-canning CRT/Equity training, keeping boys out of the girl’s bathrooms and sports, and making the students literate and competent so they can compete on the world stage with all those Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Indian kids?

  2. Oh, and while you’re at it, be sure to include classes and instruction on the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers.
    For starters.


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