Texas Rangers Ball Club Under Fire From BLM – IOTW Report

Texas Rangers Ball Club Under Fire From BLM

Yep. Now it’s the Texas Rangers who are going to be pressured to change their name.


Townhall reports a Wapo artcile-

The first job of the Rangers, formed in 1835 after Texas declared independence from Mexico, was to clear the land of Indian for white settlers.

That was just the start. The Rangers oppressed black people, helping capture runaway slaves trying to escape to Mexico; in the aftermath of the Civil War, they killed free blacks with impunity. “The negroes here need killing,” a Ranger wrote in a local newspaper in 1877, after Rangers fired on a party of black former Buffalo soldiers, killing four of them and a 4-year old girl. A jury would later find that the black soldiers “came to their death while resisting officers in the discharge of their duty,” an unsettling echo of the justification for modern-day police killings.

In the early 20th century, Rangers played a key role in some of the worst episodes of racial violence in American history along the Texas-Mexico border. Mexicans were run out of their homes and subject to mass lynchings and shootings. The killings got so out of control that the federal government threatened to intervene.



When I watch baseball, I bask in the glory of the name The Texas Rangers because I enjoy sitting there and just hating minorities. It’s why I watch.

24 Comments on Texas Rangers Ball Club Under Fire From BLM

  1. When can we ban progtards? I wish it were that easy.

    George Soros has been mounting a quiet, under-the-radar (thanks to media cover), long-term offensive against the United States. It is obvious that he is making his move, as this year has been a non-stop barrage against American values, capitalism, and the American way of life in general. And it will continue into the November elections.

    He took down the British pound, and he has stated frequently that he has a messianic complex, which he has directed at taking down capitalism and western values – with the greatest trophy being the USA.

  2. Only because cowboys like Superman stand for Truth, Justice and the American Way. And also it’s about time that cowboys take out George Soros and his kin and take them for a long drag at the end of a rope behind a fast horse thru a cactus filled desert landscape. COWBOY UP! THE GOOD GUYS ALWAYS WIN!

  3. ” … after Rangers fired on a party of black former Buffalo soldiers … ”

    How the Buffalo Soldiers came to be known as Buffalo Soldiers is an interesting part of history, and a story of “racism” in itself.

  4. Let’s have a conversation regarding any of this bullshit AFTER the name of Woodrow Wilson has been removed from EVERY public building in the United States. Until then suck my ass and go fuck yourselves in your big fat hypocritical ass.

  5. AAAARRRRRGGGHHH!….and when they come for us scurvy Pirates we’ll just remind them that we’re in first place, undefeated….GO PIRATES!….someday…

  6. LOL, I really don’t get the fascination with “sports”. I think the only adults who should be paid for playing ball are hookers, since the taxpayers don’t have to build an expensive special place for them to work.

  7. FYI, Anonymous and uninformed, the term “Buffalo Soldiers” was created by “native/the people/indian” tribes in America who were first to encounter black Union soldiers, because the black soldiers hair was the same color and texture as buffalo fur and brave as buffaloes.
    So who are the racists in this situation, since according to the left only white people can be racist. Leftist hypocrisy never makes sense.

  8. BLM got Lawrencville GA to remove a placard honoring all those who died in the civil war. It is to be replaced with a statue of somebody who got lynched 110 years ago.

    My response was it would have been more appropriate to put in a statue honoring the guy that got shot at the courthouse fighting for the fist amendment back in 1978. A statue of Larry Flynt would be right in line with the crap they are pulling.

  9. Just change the first letter from R to H…Texas Hangers. Or, less upsetting to some people, change the first letter to W…Texas Wangers. Imagine the support they’ll get from fag-boys.

    Larry and Bruce go to a Texas Wangers Game.

    Larry: Bruce, did you see that outfielder kiss the second baseman…that’s so sweet…see how they are so in love.

    Bruce: I’m checking out all the lovely boys having an orgy in the upper deck…look, they’re hanging over the railing completely nude.

    Larry: OH, look…some of the players are throwing balls at the naked gays up there Oh no…one gay guy just got a fastball in the nuts. One of the players just batted a ball up there and it hit Lovely Mikey in the ass. Lots more balls coming up here now.

    Bruce: O, Larry, I just got hit in the head…it hurts so much, it’s a lot worse than getting a dick stuck in your ass. I want to go home….Oh, do lets go home Larry.

    Vin Scully: Well folks, the queers have gotten hit so many times they’re leaving, most of them crying and threatening to come back next week with poof balls, in case they feel threatened again.

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