Texas Rangers identity illegal immigrant as shooter who ambushed 3 police officers, killing 1 – IOTW Report

Texas Rangers identity illegal immigrant as shooter who ambushed 3 police officers, killing 1

According to authorities, 46-year-old Jose Alfredo Perez DeLaCruz was an illegal immigrant who had been in the U.S. since the late ‘90s.

14 Comments on Texas Rangers identity illegal immigrant as shooter who ambushed 3 police officers, killing 1

  1. “Jose, you gots some ‘splainin’ to do.”

    Anon 9:40
    I agree on the no return extradition. But planes and fuel are expensive. I prefer my own method.

  2. “Easy fix. Put a bounty on all illegals. Pay twice as much for cartel members. Dead or alive.”

    “Easy fix. Put a bounty on all illegals. Pay twice as much for cartel members. Dead or … well … Dead.”

    What would be the point of “alive?” Lawyers, Judges, feeding, clothing, toilet facilities, social workers, probation officers, welfare, soup kitchens, medical care, hotel costs, beer, dope, cigarettes, muscatel, tequila … again … what’s the point?

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. During the BushII administration I had an employee, a young woman with two teenage children who was going through a divorce. Unbeknownst to her, her “parents” had taken her in as an infant in Jamaica when her “mother’s” younger sister (her real mother) died in a car accident. Her “parents” (aunt and uncle) subsequently legally immigrated to the U.S. and became citizens. No one ever thought to get the child any papers. My employee also had a couple of misdemeanors on her record, nothing serious, and seemingly long in the past when I had hired her (pot possession and a juvenile shoplifting charge).

    Her husband’s divorce lawyers discovered these facts and reported her as illegal. Without warning, I got a call at 4 a.m. one morning that she being hauled off to Krome Detention Center in Miami. Within two weeks she was deported to Jamaica, where to my knowledge she remains to this day.

    I think about this sometimes. The contrast then and now is astounding.


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