Texas Senate Passes Major GOP-Backed Election Reform Bill – IOTW Report

Texas Senate Passes Major GOP-Backed Election Reform Bill

Epoch Times-

The Texas state Senate passed a sweeping election overhaul bill on May 30 that has been criticized by high-profile Democrats over provisions that they say expands restrictions and penalties.

The legislation was approved largely along party lines after an overnight debate stretched into the morning of May 30, according to local media. The House had a deadline of midnight on May 30 to approve the proposal.

The measure would grant more power to poll watchers by giving them more access inside polling areas, while creating new penalties against election officials who restrict poll watchers’ movements. The proposal would also allow a judge to void the outcome of an election if the number of fraudulent votes could change the result.

4 Comments on Texas Senate Passes Major GOP-Backed Election Reform Bill

  1. It may have passed the Texas Senate, but the Democrats in the Texas House walked out, denying a quorum needed to pass the bill for the governor to sign. Stalemate until the dems return on their own or are rounded up and forced to do their job.


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