Texas Sheriff Does Biden’s Job, Deputizes Citizens to Defend Border Town – IOTW Report

Texas Sheriff Does Biden’s Job, Deputizes Citizens to Defend Border Town

Neon Nettle:
Husband and wife ranchers in Kinney County, Texas, broke down last week after explaining how they could not walk around their ranch without being armed due to the constant threat of illegal aliens.

Paul Schuster explained how the constant stream of dangerous illegal aliens had become a significant burden on them and the town.

But Kinney County Sheriff Brad Coe and County Attorney Brent Smith decided that they would take things into their own hands.

Since Joe Biden entered the White House, he was done almost nothing to tackle the border crisis. Sheriff Coe took an oath to uphold the Constitution, which included protecting citizens who hired him. more here

8 Comments on Texas Sheriff Does Biden’s Job, Deputizes Citizens to Defend Border Town

  1. “Since Joe Biden entered the White House, he was done almost nothing to tackle the border crisis.”

    That right there is a false statement. To imply that Jackass Joe has has done ANYTHING to address the problem is totally false! He has deliberately created this crisis and then proceeded to ramp it up!

    Furthermore I think know why they are doing this!
    democRATz are in the Crisis business.
    Their motto is: Never let a good crisis go to waste.
    If you don’t have a good Crisis, make one!
    Flood the nation (over-load) with a giant homeless population … as in Government Housing!
    With this Border Crisis they are making a Crisis so massive that only the Government can resolve it!

  2. Yup!
    This can only be called a full-on invasion.
    What would you do if an army half the size of the migrant invasion decided to come it??
    I shudder to think of how many (real) terrorists are hiding in these hoardes!


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