Texas sues to stop DACA – IOTW Report

Texas sues to stop DACA

WaTimes- Texas led a coalition of states Tuesday in a lawsuit challenging the legality of the Obama-era DACA deportation amnesty, opening up a new legal front in the increasingly messy battle over illegal immigration.

The lawsuit, filed in federal court in southern Texas, asks judges to rule against the 2012 program that’s granted tentative legal status to more than 800,000 Dreamers.

Rather than ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, though, the seven-state coalition says it would be open to a two-year phaseout similar to what President Trump tried to do last year. No new DACA permits or renewals would be allowed, but those already approved could serve out the rest of their two-year permits.

“Texas has argued for years that the federal executive branch lacks the power to unilaterally grant unlawfully present aliens lawful presence and work authorization,” Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said in filing the lawsuit. “Left intact, DACA sets a dangerous precedent by giving the executive branch sweeping authority to ignore the laws enacted by Congress and change our nation’s immigration laws to suit a president’s own policy preferences.”  read more

9 Comments on Texas sues to stop DACA

  1. Three step- program:

    all steps are cheaper than having them here.

    1) Stop’em from coming with a wall or human enforcement (with technology).

    2) Ship’em back or deport’em (drop them back to Mexico – who let them cross).

    3) Seriously update (modernize) Immigration process/system to cut down on b-s things like DACA and born-in-American rules. No dual citizenship (if you vote for Mexican president you don’t vote for American, etc.)

    We want Americans first – not global citizens

  2. “Texas has argued for years that the federal executive branch lacks the power to unilaterally grant unlawfully present aliens lawful presence…”

    Yup, Every State gets a voice.
    And We have to vote on it.
    And it will take 2/3rds supermajority to approve whatever the yearly immigration total will be.
    And it has to be re-done every 10 years like the Census.
    As a matter of fact.
    Combine them.

    The 29th Amendment to the Constitution mandates congress to establish a target population for the US. This is to guarantee a high standard of living and quality of life for its citizenry

  3. Build a new prison on the border for illegals and deportees. All illegals and deportees from state prisons shipped there. All states help pay for it. Solves overcrowding nation wide. Prison only has 3 fences, East, West, and North, all protected by sniper towers.

  4. “Texas has argued for years that the federal executive branch lacks the power to unilaterally grant unlawfully present aliens lawful presence and work authorization”.

    That’s why “the seven-state coalition says it would be open to a two-year phaseout”.

    Because if it was never legal, then it can still be legal for a few more years. At least a few more elections.

    Oh yayz! Can you small what the kayfabe is cookin’?

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