Texas Supreme Court Upholds State’s Ban on Sex Changes for Minors – IOTW Report

Texas Supreme Court Upholds State’s Ban on Sex Changes for Minors


The Texas Supreme Court upheld on Friday the state’s ban on puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and other so-called gender-affirming care for children.

In an 8-1 ruling, the state’s Supreme Court rejected arguments from parents who claimed that a Texas law that went into effect in September 2023, went against their right to decide whether or not to seek out medical care for their children.

The Supreme Court wrote that lawmakers had “made a permissible, rational policy choice.” more

6 Comments on Texas Supreme Court Upholds State’s Ban on Sex Changes for Minors

  1. While I think that it is just another extension of their mental illness, and NOTHING that will address the root causes of their trauma, at least when adults are engaged in this chemical and surgical deceptions of themselves, they are old enough to make informed choices (not that anyone is TRULY informed about the nightmare surgeries they are going to be subjected to…but that is for another post). That ANYONE could promote the idea of a child being chemically destroyed before they are old enough to even know what sexuality is, is beyond me. But of course depopulation is an agenda with a lot of different ways to be achieved.

  2. Reported yesterday that the Lets Go Brandon malAdministration is backing off on this as well. It is an issue that the Satanists finally realize could affect them all the way up and down the ballot.

  3. Shitty, crazy, evil Munchausen by proxy cunts from Hell in TX are big angry they can’t get their son’s dick legally cut off before he’s even 9 years old. And at least one judge on that court is a piece of shit.

  4. “But of course depopulation is an agenda with a lot of different ways to be achieved.” -MrLiberty

    I’m sure the global elite think they’re being noble in all their clever ways to “reduce the surplus population.”


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