Texas Woman Files Million-Dollar Lawsuit After Walking Into Kroger Marketplace Grocery Store Window – IOTW Report

Texas Woman Files Million-Dollar Lawsuit After Walking Into Kroger Marketplace Grocery Store Window


A Texas woman has filed a million-dollar lawsuit claiming she was injured after walking into a floor-to-ceiling window as she was leaving a Kroger Marketplace in April. Anna Robb says that she mistook the window for an open doorway and slammed into it, causing her to suffer serious injuries. more

20 Comments on Texas Woman Files Million-Dollar Lawsuit After Walking Into Kroger Marketplace Grocery Store Window

  1. Oh yeah, then why was she seen admiring herself as she walked into it! She was so be smitten by how good her hair looked that she walked right into it ‘Warning objects in your reflective vanity glass are closer than they appear’!

  2. So now I suppose Kroger will have to put warnings on their windows so that idiots don’t walk into them. In great big black letters and telling these dummies that they are not responsible for any damage caused by idiots walking into their windows.

  3. Even full length windows have a frame around them. there was sure to be some frame feature protruding from the floor.

    So, ms. dumbass, do you pay attention to objects on the floor as you walk?
    of course…
    And do you avoid them to keep from tripping?
    so, if a metal object was on the floor would you pay attention to it to avoid it?
    and if you saw it would you try to assess what it was to know how to avoid it?
    look at this picture. what do you see?
    The bottom edge of a window frame.
    I rest my case your honor.


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