Texas’s Gov. Abbott blocks and breaks that gargantuan incoming caravan – IOTW Report

Texas’s Gov. Abbott blocks and breaks that gargantuan incoming caravan

American Thinker:
By Monica Showalter

Joe Biden is letting one of the largest illegal migrant caravans in history move into the U.S., with no effort to stop it.

Texas’s governor, Greg Abbott, isn’t. 

According to a very interesting report by Todd Bensman of the Center for Immigration Studies, the record-sized 15,000-strong caravan has run into interference from the Texas governor and his counterpart in the adjacent Mexican state of Coahuila, who had the foresight to sign an agreement in April about border security.  Bensman writes:

AUSTIN, Texas — When Mexico last week granted federal humanitarian travel permits to 15,000 U.S.-bound third-country migrants who’d formed the largest caravan in Mexican history, most planned to head straight to the border to cross illegally into the Texas towns of Del Rio and Eagle Pass.

But now those thousands of federal permit holders have collided with an unusual and wide-ranging Coahuila State police roadblock operation that is systematically halting buses carrying the migrants all over that state, detaining and deporting some, and thwarting federal government will.

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15 Comments on Texas’s Gov. Abbott blocks and breaks that gargantuan incoming caravan

  1. Caravan? As in spice traders on camels??

    Or should it be called a hoard of invaders coming to feast at the trough of free shit that Shitpants Potatohead has laid out for them?

  2. “..thwarting federal government LACK OF will.” would be more accurate.
    If people who view themselves as our betters set the example of lawlessness, why should the rest of us do any different?

  3. Texas doing what a failed Federal Government refuses to do.

    Remember the struggle for State’s Rights that was beaten to oblivion?
    It is rising again, because the utter failure of BIG Brother over-reaching federal government.

  4. Too many RINO’S are nothing more than KY jelly for Democrats to stick it to the American people. Even true Republicans don’t have the balls or believe they will have support for doing the right thing. I’m glad Abbott is going what he is, maybe he’s thinking about running in 2024.

  5. Article II, Section 3

    “…he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.”

    Finally, and most significantly, Section 3 contains the Faithful Execution Clause, commonly known as the Take Care Clause. The Take Care Clause is arguably a major source of presidential power because it seemingly invests the office with broad enforcement authority. Yet, at the same time, the provision also serves as a major limitation on that power because it underscores that the executive is under a duty to faithfully execute the laws of Congress and not disregard them.


  6. Abbott don’t want no gummerment help, just wants to complain about. Those Biden billboards working telling em to come to America via Texas. He’s just helping a brother out.

  7. Biden will simultaneously take credit for “securing the border”, while taking Abbot to court to stop him.

    So will the caravan now divert to New Mexico and California?

  8. buses? are they going and getting on just any old north bound bus? or is someone organizing all this? who’s paying for buses to haul 15,000 people across mexico?

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