Thad Cochran’s Future in Senate Remains in Limbo – IOTW Report

Thad Cochran’s Future in Senate Remains in Limbo

Chris McDaniel, a state senator who lost to Cochran in a bitterly contested 2014 primary, is considered the leading Republican candidate to replace Cochran

Big Government: Sen. Thad Cochran’s (R-MS) future in the Senate remains in limbo as his health continues to decline; many speculate that he will retire early next year.

One Republican senator, who serves on the Appropriations Committee, told Politico, “The understanding is that he will leave after Jan. That’s what most of us believe will happen.”

Chris Gallegos, a spokesman for the Mississippi senator said Sen. Cochran has told colleagues what his future entails.
“Sen. Cochran has not made any statements regarding leaving office. He continues to do his work for Mississippi and the nation,” Cochran’s spokesman said.  – – – Blah Blah Blah Get Out!

11 Comments on Thad Cochran’s Future in Senate Remains in Limbo

  1. “Sen. Cochran has not made any statements regarding leaving office. He continues to do his work for Mississippi and the nation,”

    Just what work is he doing? Let me guess, counting the oatmeal dribbles as they roll down his chin?

  2. I was already working in the House when he took his seat there. I remember moving him into his office in the Longworth (I think). He was full of piss and vinegar, very personable, and not too full of himself. We spoke for maybe 90 seconds.

    I guess 45 years of adulation changes one.
    Sometimes you just need to move along.
    Sit on the porch, have a cigar, sip a mint julep.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. although I agree w/ the sentiment that it’s time for Thad to wind down & enjoy his ‘golden years’ …
    … he’s only year older than Trump would be in 2024

    jus’ sayin’

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