Afghan Refugee Tries to Drown Girlfriend – IOTW Report

Afghan Refugee Tries to Drown Girlfriend

Front Page: Sometimes poetic justice really can’t be improved on.

The 19-year-old Afghan attacked his German ex-girlfriend and shoved her into the water. The young suspect jumped after her and tried again and again to push the 17-year-old under water, probably to drown the girl. However, the attacker apparently forgot that he himself can not swim at all.

11 Comments on Afghan Refugee Tries to Drown Girlfriend

  1. She should be stoned to death for this.

    He should be flayed, sewn into a pigskin, and drowned in pig offal.

    Then both their bodies should be hanged in the town square for a fortnight, with signs around their necks announcing their crimes.

    After that, toss em into a landfill – or grind em up into sausage to feed to the “refugees.”

    If anyone’s wondering why so tepid a response, it’s because it’s the Christmas season and I’m feeling like, y’know, goodwill towards my fellow men, and all …

    izlamo delenda est …

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