Thank a Biden voter today for setting new record, $5 gas for the first time – IOTW Report

Thank a Biden voter today for setting new record, $5 gas for the first time

Howie Carr: Thank a Biden voter today — the average price of a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline hit $5 yesterday for the first time ever in the US.

On election day 2020 the price was $2.10 a gallon.

On the day Dementia Joe Biden was installed as president, the price had already climbed to $2.39 a gallon. Because Big Oil knew full well that the inmates were about to regain control of the asylum.

A year ago, the price had skyrocketed to $3.07. Just a week ago, it was $4.81.

On Friday, Dementia Joe Biden doddered up to a microphone at the Port of Los Angeles and reassured the American people:

“Today I’d like to speak about my top priority: fighting inflation.”

This was an hour or so after his own regime admitted that inflation is raging at its worst level since December 1981 — 8.6 percent. And by the way, does anyone believe that’s the real number? It’s a lot worse than that, and everyone knows it, even the Democrats’ low-info voters.

“We’ve never seen anything like Putin’s tax on both food and gas.”

Putin’s tax? Which Congressional district was Vladimir elected from?

In the fall of 2020, when gas prices in much of the country were still under $2 a gallon, President Trump presciently warned voters:

“If Biden got in, you’d be paying $7, $8, $9. Then they’d say, ‘Get rid of your car.’”

Which is exactly what a Democrat senator from Michigan said last week, bragging about her new EV. If you can’t afford $5 a gallon, just spend $60,000 on a new Tesla. That’s moonbat math. more

28 Comments on Thank a Biden voter today for setting new record, $5 gas for the first time

  1. I thanked them and bitched a few of them out, over a week ago when our $5per gal hit.
    Most expensive trip I’ll be able to take all friggin summer,will be to the damn gas station.

  2. How can the SOB expect to be elected to office again?

    He’s killing us – does he look up to Hitler and Mao? He’s a Big Brother tyrant – Truth is a lie and a lie is the truth.

  3. Brad…..I bake bread maybe once a year and I just bought 40 more pounds of flour. Just wait till you see the new prices for friggin bread come this fall….

  4. Willy
    The shits hitting the fan. Starting last week I’m getting pricing on Aluminum bar and plate, they’ll hold that price for seven days. So I’m notifying customer that the quotes expire after 5 days so place it quick. Stainless Steels are even worse. I believe they call this run away inflation. The NASDAQ dropped nearly 5 points today. People are going to be jumping out of buildings soon.

  5. @ mickey moussaoui JUNE 13, 2022 AT 4:37 PM

    The subhuman pieces of shit don’t care. They are not suffering, they live to watch innocent people suffer and this is what their dreams are made of. Just look at what they have done to the infrastructure in each and every city they have ever gotten control of.

  6. “Biden can’t control the price of gas.”

    – Lying Fucktarded Biden Supporters

    “You can’t abuse executive authority to curtail the drilling, shipping, and refining of oil while simultaneously lobbying Congress to raise the taxes on petroleum, and then claim you don’t control the price of gas.”

    – Anyone who isn’t a fucking idiot

  7. @PHenry

    You are letting him off easy, they all owe you for “living” money.

    6 dollar gas, that’s on Biden.
    8.7% inflation, that’s on Biden.
    Empty shelves and more expensive food, on Biden.
    30 plus percent reduction in everyone’s stock portfolio and 401k, on Biden.
    China saber-rattling and making military threats aimed at us, on Biden.
    Prolonging a senseless war by propping up a failed state into thinking they can actually win, yep, more Biden.

    There is no aspect of our lives, in any fashion, that has not been made more dire or distressed. Suffering the 7 plagues of Egypt would feel like a ClubMed vacation compared to what we are suffering now.

  8. Over night price increases of 15 to 20 cents are common now. Gas is pushing $6, it’ll be there, even at Costco, by the end of June. It was a $1.80-1.90 on election day in n central AR.

    The freaky thing is that TPTB of course want this, $10+ gas wouldn’t faze them a bit and taking a few simple & immediate steps that could mitigate this is out of the question.

    We’re no where near any relief and pray to the Lord above that next winter isn’t an all timer because that’s when this shit is gonna get
    real. It’s bad enough especially for places like w Texas where 115 degrees is common in the summer. You stay out of the sun and put a fan on, yeah you’ll sweat like a pig but when it’s 20 below and you haven’t got heat, that’s another ball game.

    On top of it all, the magic mRNA vax is doing just what was predicted a year ago by DRs like Malone who said immunity would go out the door & organs like the heart & liver were especially vulnerable and Dr Cole whose specialty is the study of rare illnesses & cancers, predicted an across the board increase in deaths-now insurance companies are seeing a 20-45% increase in the all cause of death stat.

    And Kevin McCarthy will probably be the next Speaker? Beam me up Scotty and nuke this side of the planet from space.

  9. Indeed, thank you Joe Biden, in your infinite wisdom, for the price of a gallon of fuel, for the rolling blackouts that are on the table, for the baby formula shortage, for $10 a pound bacon, the price of a dozen eggs up 160%. You have turned our once great country into a 3rd world dictatorship in less than 2 years. Without the 81 million idiot’s that “voted” for you, none of this would have been possible. Fuck you very much.

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