Thank God Britain Has a Gun Ban, Someone Might’ve Been Shot and Killed – IOTW Report

Thank God Britain Has a Gun Ban, Someone Might’ve Been Shot and Killed


Labour MP Jo Cox has been shot and killed in an attack in West Yorkshire today.

The 41-year-old mother of two was shot three times and stabbed just before 1pm in Birstall in her Batley & Spen constituency.

She was pronounced dead around an hour later, leaving her husband Brendan and two young children, aged 3 and 5.

West Yorkshire Police have arrested a 52-year-old man, named locally as Tommy Mair.

Her assailant is claimed to have shouted ‘Britain First’ as he walked away from her lying in a pool of blood.


Jo, a rising star in the party. was elected last year. MPs from all parties have been sending their condolences.

ht/ tsunami

21 Comments on Thank God Britain Has a Gun Ban, Someone Might’ve Been Shot and Killed

  1. Very sad, left behind a husband and two young children, please kill him slow.

    And again, no gun laws work. I’ve been in this business for 6 years now. Even the odds and the cowards run. Repeal all gun laws.

  2. Lots of angles to this tragedy. The killer has a history of mental illness and in the past has been on psych meds (no info on present meds). Witnesses say he cried, “Britain First” or something similar while carrying out the attack, and Cox was very vocal in her support of Syrian refugees and UK support for enforcing of the Syria no-fly zone.

    As I said, lots of angles. It’ll be interesting to see whether this story has legs or not, and what additional information comes out about the killer.

  3. What truly breaks me are the anomalies that appear on our side every now and then. Assuming that this lunatic could ever be mistaken for being on our side. Remember Robert Dear that somehow shot up a Planned Barrenhood for 4 hours and didn’t kill anyone? We were all smeared with his likeness and it ended up he was just another scapegoating loon. Roof too.

  4. Remember when I said that when the shit hits the fan that even the most hardcore anti-gun liberal will pick up a weapon? Remember when I said that 400 times?

    If being a homo is a lifestyle choice that’s socially acceptable, then dammit, so is choosing a lifestyle that cherishes FREEDOM.

    There’s nothing in the US Constitution that guarantees SAFETY, Mr. Obama, SO KISS MY WELL ARMED ASS.

  5. funny the msm says high profile figures like celebrities and politician need armed protection because of who they are.

    when in reality it is the common man who suffers the most of these terrorist attacks with no legal protection.

    this is one of the first politicians who has died as a result of their own policies if I am not mistaken.

    I will not shed a tear in any case.

    more equal my ass!

  6. @ Steve Brown and Uncle Al
    The ‘The Man-eaters of Tsavo’ is the book, the movie ‘The Ghost and the Darkness’ is based on, if I’m not mistaken. Great flick.

  7. An “Elite,” one of our self-proclaimed betters, got hers. As to her family, apparently the plight of those poor Mohammedans was more important to her than the welfare of her blood kin. No condolences. Rest Not In Peace.

    In any event, “Preview of Coming Attractions” in a country near you…

  8. I wonder if the perp was on an antidepressant like Zoloft or Paxil. It’s been known for almost a decade that these drugs can increase aggressiveness.

    As for the use of a gun against this woman, look no further than Chicago or Detroit to see the efficacy of gun control legislation. The odds of a young black male getting shot in either of these two cities is about the same as a 19 yr old white male on Omaha Beach. Thank God Ike wasn’t a Democrat else we’d still be there.

  9. Smells like a provocateur.

    Somebody from Socialist International put him up (and provided the gun) to killing an expendable. The facts will never see the light of day.

    Why would he scream anything that would harm his cause? Doesn’t make sense.

    izlamo delenda est …

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