Thank You, iOTWreport Community – IOTW Report

Thank You, iOTWreport Community

I reluctantly put up a post Friday, due to the shockingly bad year it was, economically, for iOTW.

Our problem shouldn’t be your problem, but the reality is, our problem ultimately would be your problem if part of the problem is being addicted to our particular voice and style. Blogs do go away. We don’t want to, we don’t plan to, and I’m here to report that the reaction to our plight was like the last scene in It’s A Wonderful Life.

Let’s not belabor it. Let’s not get too sentimental.

You guys are amazing.

Thank you,

Merry Christmas

33 Comments on Thank You, iOTWreport Community

  1. Merry Christmas to the best place on the whole wide world of the internets because of the people who are here. It’s like a local diner with regulars at the counter while BFH pours the coffee. Love you guys! 🎄⛄️❤️

  2. Merry Christmas to BFH and all the wonderful voices here who have become a beloved Community where I can voice my observations and speak my piece.
    Merry Christmas to all my digital neighbors here and a MAGA 2018 to us all.

  3. hah.
    This was a song Irony and I threw together on the 1 year anniversary of iOTW. (Literally threw together. I did a piano progression based on Bach and Irony did a one take guitar jam and then generously put down a bass track, which I didn’t expect— (time is MONEY)
    There was a commercial at the time that sounded like a guy saying iOwnTheWorld’s Number One

    (Being an ass, I couldn’t help troll my own video with the inclusion of that fat dancer. People were a little upset at the time.)

  4. Thank you BFH, MJA, Claudia, Mr. Pinko, Dr. Tar and all the Contributors and witty, intelligent, insightful folks that keep me coming back daily. Each of you have become a part of my life, I am grateful.

    As my friend used to say, “Life is Good!

    Merry Christmas and a Joyous New Year to all!

  5. BigFur. Your posts helped me stay sane and even laugh throu the nightmare that was to obama presidency. Thank you. Merry Christmas! I hope you have a healthy and prosperous new year.

  6. Merry Christmas to all IOTWReport contributors. You are all very much appreciated!!

    Merry Christmas to all IOTWReport readers/commenters for all the hours of insights and fun!!

    This site’s content and community is second to none!
    Thank you all.

  7. Hi BFH and Merry Christmas.
    I have tried to donate using my
    tablet with your donation page.
    It won’t work as the USD amount
    box is so small and the numbers so big that I can’t see amount.
    I will use my pc later today and do so but I wanted you to be aware of this issue. God Bless you and your Family.

  8. Just the wife and me this year, smallest turkey ever.
    I have cooked bigger chickens.
    Shot it under my fig tree, he was eating fermenting fallen fruit, could be interesting.
    Merry Christmas Bubba Fur.
    The rest of youz guys too.

  9. This is one of my favorite sites. Plenty of topics and enlightenment! I just wish some browser would reliably play “twitter” transferred videos. There seems to be some problem………

  10. yegads that video was awful. Glad you’ve improved on them. Very glad to support IOTWReport. I post your links on my GAB, facebook and emails in the hope that they will drive traffic to your site. So, cha-ching.

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