Thank You James O’Keefe – IOTW Report

Thank You James O’Keefe

Project Veritas has their eye on the polls looking out for fraud. In this clip they are tailing a bus that is carting people around from polling place to polling place.

16 Comments on Thank You James O’Keefe

  1. @LocoBlancoSaltine – FYI, that’s a verb or could be the gerund, not plural. Also, single-s busing is more common, but double-s bussing is also considered a correct spelling. I just checked my OED to be sure.

    Your friendly neighborhood grammar fascist (I’m sooooo tired of nazis)

  2. I don’t get this. Giving people a ride to the polls is not illegal. It is legally considered voting facilitation. If it is voting inducement it would be illegal. O’Keefe should look for a big donation to the church or some other form of inducement.

  3. @sistyugler1 – If the bus is taking people to multiple polling places and the same people get out and get in line, I think it is safe to assume that they are engaged in vote fraud. This sort of crap has been reported in the past and seems to be one of the many ways elections are gamed.

  4. The SEIU did this in Las Vegas in ’12. They bussed the union people in and once they got to an outlet mall, everything fell apart at that point. They wanted to shop, not vote. lol.
    Have mercy. Let me just apologize for Las Vegas ahead of time.

  5. @Uncle Al,

    I assumed the people are registered in different precincts which is why they would go to multiple polling places. They should only be able to vote in the precinct they are registered.

  6. I bet one of those F*ckers killed Hitchbot…..(openly sobs, pours out a little Yuengling Light on the ground)

    On a side note I was pleasantly pleased to have to wait in line to Vote at 7AM KW time…the last two times I was in and out and the election People were lonely and clingy…I’m not a hugger.

  7. I see in the comments that little Chuckie Johnson-sucker from Little Gay Faggots is still cheerleading for the Left. What a pitiful little bitch.

    Good work from O’Keefe.

  8. I hope O’Keefe and Project Veritas do more to rip this Democrat Bandaid off and expose the oozing pustulent sore that massive Democrat Voter Fraud is.

    FACT: in every state that has Voter ID, Obama lost in Aught8 and ’12. And in every state without Voter ID, Obama “won” those states. Massive Democrat voter fraud exists, it is real and it threatens all of us.

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