Thank You Joe – IOTW Report

27 Comments on Thank You Joe

  1. My friend owns a bakery. She told me this morning that her bags of baking flour that she orders,has doubled in price since her last order.
    Everything from her baking supplies, to packaging for her goods..the whole shebang, has skyrocketed in cost.
    She’s not sure how much longer she can keep from raising prices on the consumer and she’s not sure how much longer she will be able to hold on at all, thanks to the manipulated shortages.
    Thanks a lot Brandon, you f-ing worthless POS.

  2. Yesterday I told the story of going to a mex restaurant for dinner wearing my #FJB ball cap and a guy at the next table hollered to me, Let’s Go Brandon. Hilarious.

    He inspired me and when I stopped for gas I put two post-it notes with Let’s Go Brandon on the pumps.

    I went against this morning, 15 hours later and they are both still up.

    Always carry post-it’s and a sharpie on your vehicle.

    I’ve done this from back in the Obama days.

  3. After seeing prices that others are paying, I hesitate to say that in my neck of the woods I just paid $2.94. It used to be a whole LOT less when the real President was in office, so I still say Fuck Joe Biden!

  4. Regular gas is approximately $3.60 a gallon here in Eastern Washington and in a few places a little cheaper, $3.30 to $3.40 in N. Idaho. I’d love to pay $3.17 a gal. for gas, in February which wasn’t so long ago we were paying $2.40 for a gal. of regular. Thank a lot asshole for raising the price of gas by a third in the past 8 months or so.


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