Thanks Obama! Life Expectancy Goes Down in the U.S. – A Rare Event – IOTW Report

Thanks Obama! Life Expectancy Goes Down in the U.S. – A Rare Event

Obamacare – A Healthcare System For America That SHORTENS YOUR LIFE!!!

Put that in his presidential library.

NEW YORK (AP) — A decades-long trend of rising life expectancy in the U.S. could be ending: It declined last year and it is no better than it was four years ago.

In most of the years since World War II, life expectancy in the U.S. has inched up, thanks to medical advances, public health campaigns and better nutrition and education.

But last year it slipped, an exceedingly rare event in a year that did not include a major disease outbreak. Other one-year declines occurred in 1993, when the nation was in the throes of the AIDS epidemic, and 1980, the result of an especially nasty flu season.

In 2015, rates for 8 of the 10 leading causes of death rose. Even more troubling to health experts: the U.S. seems to be settling into a trend of no improvement at all.

13 Comments on Thanks Obama! Life Expectancy Goes Down in the U.S. – A Rare Event

  1. Shit for the last eight years I wake up in the morning, birds singing, sun shining, take a big stretch and think hello world. Then it happens, I realize old fuck nuts is still in office. So depressing. That can’t be good for you.

  2. 0bama did say “maybe you’re better off not having the surgery, but taking the pain-killer” when discussing end-of-life care.

    His signature piece of legislation made that a reality for many people.

  3. Well, when you care nothing about the homicides in your own city (and others) by young thugs with young victims, the murder of law enforcement officers prior to retirement age, well… those are part of those stats as well.

  4. BigGun, My belief is a Trump Presidency can’t solve this with George Soros funding it. However a Nation wide ccw will be a big start in the right direction. You’re at a big disadvantage when you wear your gun for the entire world to see. Personally I think local LEO should be able to dress casual and conceal.

  5. Bad_Brad, Not until you change the courts. I’ve been on the stand numerous times over the years being asked if I was recognizable as a, “LEO.” That’s the defense’s first defense, “my client didn’t know the officer was a law enforcement officer.” Each and every time, I was in full uniform.

    The big disadvantage is the failure to teach respect, values and constitutional history to our children.

  6. If most of us seek medical care less, because it costs more, there should be no surprise there will be more death.

    Only people of little value (by definition, not defamation) access healthcare as needed.

  7. Supposedly it’s gonna take years to fix Obamacare. One thing that should be done immediately is to UN-exempt Congress etc. All paying a penalty for their missed years, for starters.

  8. Big Gun… do the Police still show up at schools to do a presentation to kids? I remember that Officer Friendly would show up and teach us lessons from time to time. ‘Stranger Danger’, How to cross a street, What to do if you find a lost wallet or lost keys, How to call a Police officer for Help.. etc. Each time it was a different Officer Friendly, and they were fun.

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