“Thar She Blows,” The Great White House – IOTW Report

6 Comments on “Thar She Blows,” The Great White House

  1. Go lick a harpoon you imbecile. Feeling a bit unendowed? Are you afraid of the “whiteness”? You probably should investigate why barns are red (mostly).

  2. I thank God everyday for my “Roseanne” type house. 102 years old. Bones are solid as a rock. Built by men long gone with a craftmanship that may never be seen again.

    Solid oak trim around the baseboards and windows. The foot board value alone would be in the thousands.

  3. This is happening all over suburbia – knocking down old, modest size houses on 1/4 acre lots and replacing them with McMansions that take up every available square foot of the lot the ordinances will allow. They dwarf the houses on each side. They are quite pathetic in that they barely leave a lawn mower width on either side of the house. Many also eat up the entire back yard.
    And yes, they also have hideous white and gray siding that looks atrocious.

  4. I designed my home and had the plans drawn up by a professional draftsman. I was my own contractor and saw every square inch of it being constructed or I did the work myself. It has stood strong through several hurricanes including Rita and Ike. After Hurricane Harvey flooded my home, I had to gut the bottom four feet of the inside and I rebuilt it back better. I’ve been living in it since 1993. I’m having it reroofed soon because it’s about that time. We don’t have basements where I live and that’s fine with me. I’ve been very pleased with my home. We’ve been good to each other.

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