That Difficult Conversation With Grandpa – IOTW Report

That Difficult Conversation With Grandpa

Sad. Very sad.

25 Comments on That Difficult Conversation With Grandpa

  1. I get it, but not super funny to me as I watch Alzheimer’s inexorably claim more of my mother with each passing week, just in time for the holidays.

    But may those of you who’s parents are still well enjoy.

    But spare a prayer for her if you will. Her name is Dee.

    Merry Christmas.

  2. It is funny because Grandpa doesn’t have Alzheimer or Dementia. They just want to get him out of their hair. Humorous take. lol

    The fact most people have had someone dear affected in their latter years is not the intention here, nor is making that the number one response to this post meant to lift some spirits. Still, everyone entitled to freedom of speech here at iOWNTWR.

    Thank you, Bigkitten. -bfh

  3. Bigkitten – yeah, without Alzheimer’s or dementia or some other brain damage, he wouldn’t be QUALIFIED these days for the US Senate. And my mom passed away from Alzheimer’s in 2018. Hang in there SNS.

  4. Those of us who have lived longer than our grandparents and parents know of the pain and the difficult task of caring for our elder family members.

    All of them possessed way too much honor and integrity to be associated with the Federal Government.

  5. SNS saying prayers for you and your mom. We were told it was rare but now it’s found to be more common. She developed Alzheimers and was in a specialized nursing home. She died the same week I was diagnosed with cancer.
    Hang on to your good memories is all I can tell you.

  6. I don’t wish Alzheimer’s or any other form of dementia on anyone. My mom had Sundowners and the demons came out to play with her confused, mind late at night. It was scary, one night I found myself being led by God to pray very fervently and loudly over her that the demons would let go of her crazy mind. They did, it was God and not me who rebuked those demons. It was definitely something that I could not do on my own and the rest of the night peace and quiet prevailed over her. It didn’t stop all the attacks, but they were less noticeable although at times they would try but never got anywhere after that one night.

  7. Way to completely miss the idea behind the clip.

    This is not making fun of dementia, or disrespecting alzheimer’s, this is a comment on our aging representation. As much as you may feel sad about an aging parent, one that you love, you wouldn’t vote for them to run the country.

    I hate when a post is derailed.
    I may quit doing this.

    I am being serious.

  8. My Mom ran the alzheimer’s course for 13 years. It got to the point of the light were off and nobody home. The nursing home wanted to put in a feeding tube so they could continue to collect. I refused and they were going to take me to court to override my decision, but she passed before the court date.
    Sometimes, it’s just time.

    Doctors are causing Alzheimer’s

  9. Well, consider that to generations other than Boomers, there’s no reason to enter public service now. The country’s fooked up – and everyone knows it – and economically, one can’t afford the pay cut – or the detour from one’s profession – unless one intends to become a criminal – and that rubs most the wrong way (much to people’s credit).

    Plus, your life is put under a microscope. It’s not worth it.

    This leaves only psychotics and aged, incompetent Boomers to run the country, which is what we have. And most of them are criminals.

    From orbit.

  10. @SNS–

    My heartfelt prayers. I experienced what you’re now experiencing, with a dear in-law years ago, and am probably now experiencing it with a close friend. Very difficult indeed. Other commenters understand, too.

    And yes, the clip was ultimately quite funny and totally pertinent to our current political situation. Nevertheless, humor and pain can be communicated at the same time, depending on individual reader circumstances.

  11. “unless one intends to become a criminal”

    Ironically if you become a .GOV employee insider stock trading is legal. Diane Feinstein spent 30 years in congress earning 130K a year. At the time of her death she was worth $26,377,109

  12. I lost my Dad after some extremely early onset Alzheimers-like behavior around 1970 until his death and now believe it to be excessive aluminum plant exposure at his temporary job! Back then they called it “hardening of the arteries” the drs. at Ann Arbor who are supposed to be geniuses now–ANYHOW FUR that was furthest thing from my mind, I knew it was getting at FJB! very funny do not quit!

  13. Thats a funny clip. I’ve seen a longer version of it somewhere before. My mother has Frontal Lobe and has been just kind of breathing, eating and pooping for the last few years. Something happened with my phone a couple of years ago where a bunch of missed voice mails from her just suddenly came through. These were during her decline and the messages were about how worried she was about her thinking and how scared she was. It was a strange event and depressed me for a while. fortunately, I do have videos of her with our kids playing and being silly. My brother is her care giver and when she passes, I’m making sure he gets everything. It really is a terrible thing. God bless them both.

  14. Don’t quit, BFH!

    It is a funny clip! And I’m getting old enough that I am planning my revenge by deciding what I’m going to volunteer for when I retire…

    This started about 15 years ago when I gave my pastor some advice about a project he had some unqualified vendor give a presentation on. Pastor asked me to serve on the committee and I said no, hire my firm to do the work; I’ll serve on the committee when I retire.

    And these days, we are dealing with a gaggle of Karens who have moved to town from Yankee territory and are trying to turn this small southern town into everything they left behind. They’re retired and our local economy is their little project. Ooohhh, I am so waiting ’til I have as much time as they do to fight this battle.


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