That Food Looks Too Rich For You Bernie – IOTW Report

That Food Looks Too Rich For You Bernie

Sen Bernie Sanders (D-VT) seemed to be celebrating his sweep of Hawaii, Alaska and Washington State last night as only a Socialist would, by fine dining.


Arriving at L’Etoile after a rally in Madison, onlookers cheered for the Democrat challenger as he made his way through the lobby.

I suppose settling for a meal somewhere more pedestrian would have seemed too pandering to the masses.




10 Comments on That Food Looks Too Rich For You Bernie

  1. Didn’t Bernie indicate that capitalism is wasteful and bad, when he questioned why we have so many brands of deodorants? The same thinking should apply here. Why does he eat at a place with so many fancy and expensive dishes on the menu, when a bowl of gruel would feed him just fine?

  2. I read somewhere that this clown has $65,000 in credit card debt. So would I if I ate in places like l’Etoile.

    Besides, I know how to cook. Bernie doesn’t know spit about anything that’s useful. Today’s special Easter menu at Casa Yonkers:

    –Eggs a la Russe served on a bed of spring greens
    –Mini-Ravioli Stuffed with Spinich and Cheese in a broth of scallions and leeks
    –Roast Butterflied Leg of Lamb
    –Pan-Roasted Potatoes
    –Fresh Spring Peas
    –Sourdough Rolls
    –Chocolate Macaroons, Chocolate Chip Biscotti

    All made with love and from scratch. I bet Gloria Steinem doesn’t know how to cook, either. Fucking feminazi hag.

  3. He didn’t complain about all those unnecessary choices on the menu?
    In a good Comrade’s restaurant there should be only three choices:
    Breakfast (if we have anything to cook)
    Lunch: (if we have anything to cook)
    Dinner: (if we have anything to cook until dark when we have to close because there’s no power)

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