That moment when you’re told this Ted Cruz sign thief is a woman – IOTW Report

That moment when you’re told this Ted Cruz sign thief is a woman


She can’t be too hard to find.

Drives a Suburu, listens to Melissa Etheridge, has 3 cats and a ferret, and is a drummer’s roadie.

Dammit. They’ll never find her.

24 Comments on That moment when you’re told this Ted Cruz sign thief is a woman

  1. Honestly, I don’t care what signs are out. I do care when they don’t come pick them up after the election, and leave them sitting there til damn near Christmas. I know the people who put them up drive by on occasion, especially if they themselves put them there. Pick them the fuck up. You see them there!

  2. A childhood friend made national news 2 years ago for pulling up Trump signs and getting arrested in Maine. Most people on Facebook were supporting her while acknowledging that if it were the other way, a Trump supporter pulling up Killary signs, they would be calling for their head. Hypocrisy is a natural part of the liberal.

  3. So I put my Bruce Kluliss signs out again, seeing how we are only a few days away from the election. Pretty quickly got a response. Turns out politicians don’t have a sense of humor. The elephant had to point out to the donkey that the name Kluliss (clueless) could indicate its a prank. This was after the donkey accused the elephant of unethical electioneering. If I could afford it I’d print a thousand of them.

  4. joe6pak
    The Catholics, which I’m not one of, but the wife is, have an interesting concept. The opportunity to sin. It’s relevant if you don’t know you are sinning. Usually that’s when I pull my Glock. JK.

  5. Part of the character make up of the typical leftist is that they are the busy body type and I mean busy body to the extreme. They are not content with live and let live, their goals are to force compliance. If they can’t persuade you with their twisted viewpoint then violence is an acceptable tool. They are getting close to feeling the wrath from a slow to anger public.


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