That Time When Joe Biden Exposed SEAL Team 6 Families To al-Queda – IOTW Report

That Time When Joe Biden Exposed SEAL Team 6 Families To al-Queda

This video is about Joe Biden Speech May 3, 2011 where he divulges top secret and classified information about the special operations unit who conducted the raid on bin Laden’s compound, inevitably putting a price on their head for the revenge by the muslim brotherhood.

Some info had to be edited out from all copies of the video.

10 Comments on That Time When Joe Biden Exposed SEAL Team 6 Families To al-Queda

  1. This type of behavior was/is EXACTLY the same when he said about the Ukrainian “you have exactly four hours” or whatever “to fire that prosecutor.”

    It is a psychotic symptom of some type where one feels the NEED to be empowered, because they are really not, and will say these types of things. Like blurting out BS in either fear or confusion.

    This is where we are at with HidenJoeBiden.

  2. I hold Biden’s blabber mouth (aka dumb ass) largely responsible for this helicopter flight being specifically targeted by the Taliban. Could have just been a coincidence, it was a war zone, but Joe painted a target on ST6. The Taliban are savvy killers able to find out what units they were targeting and luring into their traps. .

    “.. Of the 30 Americans killed, 22 were Navy personnel, and 17 were SEALs. These included two bomb specialists and 15 operators in the Gold Squadron of DEVGRU, or Team Six, the highly classified unit that conducted the raid that killed Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden at his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan the previous May…”


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